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Jun 16th 2023
The Fumigated Peoples of Argentina and comrades from other fumigated towns in the "United Republic of Soybeans" in Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay and Bolivia are meeting and marching this week in Rosario🇦🇷 for food sovereignty and freedom from fumigation! #GMOs…
They're mobilising against the concentration, expulsion, poisoning, disease and death agribusiness brings with its #GMO soy and #pesticides. There have also been talks and workshops organized by the Institute of Socio-Environmental Health of the National University of Rosario. Image
"We cannot continue producing crops based on chemicals poisoning people. What they are doing is crazy. The State cannot continue endorsing this way of producing, they are responsible for the economic, environmental and health disaster that is taking place"…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
Escalating U.S.-Mexico debate over corn forces questions about #GMOs, cultural identity, food sovereignty and the U.S.'s imperialistic relationship with Mexico | Good article from @Salon…
@Salon US wants dispute confined to discussion of scientific evidence about whether #GMO corn is directly harmful to health. Ideal arena for agribiz, given the majority of industry research dollars have been spent on new products rather than health & safety evaluations of consuming them
@Salon Science writers often report on early-stage research promising plants using less water etc. but what's missing is which #GMOs get distributed. The most widely used #GMO corn is #glyphosate tolerant. W/ so much sprayed come resistant weeds which leads farmers to use old herbicides
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Jun 2nd 2023
'Outrageous': "Without full access to all performed toxicity studies, there can be no reliable safety evaluation of pesticides by E.U. authorities," researchers warn…
Last year, the same researchers discovered that an industry-sponsored study on #glyphosate found impacts on "neurobehavioural function, motor activity, in rat offspring"—findings not shared with the EU. Glyphosate is currently authorized despite evidence of its negative effects.
"Without full access to all performed toxicity studies, there can be no reliable safety evaluation of #pesticides by EU authorities," the researchers warned. "Rules should be amended so that future studies should be commissioned by authorities rather than companies."
Read 4 tweets
May 26th 2023
C'est bien Marc, tiens voilà un susucre !

Preuve supplémentaire qu'il ne faut plus parler "d'inaction", mais bien d'actes délibérés en faveur de la pollution des sols et des rivières, de l'effondrement de la biodiversité, de l'accaparemment de l'eau, du changement climatique.
Pour rappel n°2 :…
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May 16th 2023
Le déclin des populations d'oiseaux européens serait lié aux pratiques agricoles, facteurs majeurs selon Rigal et al. (2023) dans un article parue dans #PNAS. Un coup de tonnerre en pleine polémique de #pause des normes environnementales 🇪🇺 #Macron #ornitho #biodiversité (1/n) Changement temporel de l'ab...
Ce papier relance une vieille polémique autour de la quantification des facteurs anthropiques responsables du déclin des oiseaux européens. En suivant 170 espèces différentes sur 20.000 sites européens (28 pays), les chercheurs se sont intéressés à 4 pressions différentes : (2/n)
1. L'intensification des pratiques agricoles
2. L'augmentation de la couverture forestière
3. L'urbanisation / artificialisation des milieux
4. Le réchauffement climatique

(3/n) Evolutions des quatre press...
Read 16 tweets
May 15th 2023
EU Commission warning right wing EPP if they vote down proposed pesticide cuts in the European Parliament, it won't table proposals to deregulate new #GMOs (NGTs). But not a single new #GMO near commercialisation has the potential to reduce pesticide use!…
Will new #GMOs reduce pesticide use? NO! The evidence is clear. Some new #GMO crops are even designed to increase the use of #pesticides! This briefing looks at the new GMO crops commercialised and in the pipeline…
The history of currently grown #GMO crops shows—contrary to what industry has been promising for decades—that they've never led to a reduction in pesticide use on a national scale. In the US, Brazil & Argentina—where GMO crops are liberally grown—pesticide use is higher than ever Image
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Apr 3rd 2023
📣 Notre campagne n'est pas "en train d'être lancée", cela fait plus d’un an que #ChangementDeRegime agit contre l’influence délétère de la @FNSEA, qui ne représente pas le monde agricole mais le lobby de l’agro-business 👇…
Nous sommes effectivement un mouvement non-violent 😌, c’est notre stratégie, notre ADN, ce qui n’est pas le cas de tout le monde 👇…
Les priorités de @rousseautrocy , nouveau président de la #FNSEA 👇

☠️ Une agri de la mort plutôt qu'une #agriduvivant 👇…
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Mar 6th 2023
#Toxicologie Dans Le Monde, un sociologue se plaint que les toxicologues ne démontrent pas scientifiquement les préjugés du sociologue à l'égard des #pesticides... cette époque est complètement dingue !🙃
L'interview est évidemment conduit par Foucart... évidemment.
Énième vérification que les sociologues restent aveugles à la démarche scientifique et à la Science d'une façon générale.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
🚨Nous publions aujourd'hui les suites de notre sondage @IpsosFrance 🇫🇷🇩🇪, sur des sujet au coeur de l'actualité : les #pesticides 🌱⚗️et la consommation de #viande 🥩 en #France et en #Allemagne #Salondelagriculture #agriculture
Un thread 🧵⤵️
88 % des 🇫🇷 et 82 % des 🇩🇪 jugent souhaitable une interdiction de l’utilisation de #pesticides dans l’UE.
"le sentiment qu’il faut interdire les pesticides dans la production agricole de l’UE est massif des 2 côtés du Rhin et on ne rencontre pas de réel écart dans les réponses en f° de l’âge, du lieu d’habitation, de la catégorie sociale ou des préférences politiques" @mathieugallard
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Feb 15th 2023
🔴 #Pesticides : C'est une victoire pour Générations Futures, qui a demandé à l’ANSES, le retrait de tous les produits à base de S-métolachlore depuis septembre 2022. 👏

Cette décision était très attendue, je vous explique pourquoi 👇

Autorisé depuis 2005, le S-métolachlore est l'herbicide des grandes cultures de maïs, soja ou tournesol que l'on trouve dans les Haut-de-France et en Bretagne. Ce pesticides est le 3e plus utilisé en France derrière le glyphosate et le prosulfocarbe. 2/11…
Le Monde et France 2 avait d'ailleurs établi, fin septembre 2022, que 20 % des Français - soit env. 12 millions de personnes, dont 3,4 millions à cause d'un métabolite du S-métolachlore - avait bu une eau non-conforme. 3/11…
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Feb 10th 2023
Paul François, the French grain farmer who won legal case against @Bayer-#Monsanto, violently attacked at his home…
@Bayer Hooded men tied up the victim of pesticide poisoning with electric cables, threatened him with a knife to his throat, in an attempt to make him swallow a liquid, while declaring, "We are tired of hearing you and seeing your face on TV." #Monsanto #pesticides
@Bayer Not the first such attack. In 2020 an organic farmer was hospitalised in France after being poisoned in a pesticide attack on his farm, involving "vast quantities of #glyphosate"…
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Jan 6th 2023
#Pesticides #Néonicotinoïdes
Pour la 3e année consécutive, la France s'apprête à ré-autoriser sur les betteraves des pesticides ultra-dangereux pourtant interdits.
Étant membre du "Conseil de surveillance" de ce dispositif, je livre ici un témoignage de première main.
Thread.🔽🔽 Photo de betterave sucrière.
Vous avez sans doute vu passer des articles ou mobilisations à propos d'une "consultation du public" qui court jusqu'au 24 janvier sur un projet d'arrêté de ré-autorisation en 2023 des néonicotinoïdes sur les cultures de betteraves sucrières.…
Ce n'est en fait que le 3e acte, de plus en plus cynique, d'une pièce qui confine parfois au théâtre de boulevard.

I. Le premier acte se déroule en 2020 et il détermine tout le reste.

Scène 1 : Au printemps 2020, les betteraviers s'inquiètent de la forte présence d'une /
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Dec 28th 2022
🧵 Investigate Europe in 2022: 5 investigations, 20+ media partners, over 100 stories:

✈️ The EU military complex
⚗️ Pesticides and a #biodiversity crisis
🚢 EU ships & Russian oil
🛢️ Inside Europe's little-known #oil giant
🏠 Real estate tax privileges
Europe is on the way to become a military power, but so far mostly to the benefit of arms producers and with little democratic control.

Our first investigation of 2022 explored the 🇪🇺 #military complex, and included revelations of arms sales to #Russia:…
Europe is stuck in a toxic relationship.

Our June investigation laid bare Europe's deep-rooted problem with #pesticides and how it is leading to a growing #biodiversity crisis across the continent:…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
Dear Ministers, on behalf of 1.1 million Europeans that have signed our ECI's demand for legally binding
pesticide reduction targets, we urge you to defend the SUR in the Energy Council on Monday! @lgewessler
@KhattabiZakia @davorfilipovic2 @ClaudeTurmes…
"The heavy use of pesticides in agriculture is strongly linked to declines in #biodiversity and detrimental impacts on global public #health", more than 700 scientists say. @CostasKadis @MinisterKenE @Teresaribera @LeaWermelin @EamonRyan @MariaOhisalo…
Despite these facts, Climate-, Envi-and Energy Ministers, of all people, might softly kill the key part of the #Farm2Fork and Biodiversity Strategy aimed to reduce harm from #pesticides on Monday in the @EUCouncil
@AgnesRunacher @KostasSkrekas
Read 12 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Today, agri stakeholders & 🇪🇺 representatives are discussing the future of food & farming #AgriOutlook

But given the last attacks on green farming reforms, the @EU_Commission’s event might recommend sticking plasters rather than look at long-term solutions for #foodsecurity

A🧵 Image
Agribusiness & right-wing political allies are using the war in Ukraine as a pretext to water down #EUFarm2Fork

They claim global #foodsecurity is under threat & we need to ↗️ food production. How? With more synthetic #pesticides & #fertilisers of course!

Scroll for the truth Image
There's no EU #foodproduction issue!

Global production of grains & wheat, leading 🇺🇦🇷🇺 food exports, is high & there's no global food supply shortage

The industry's narrative is just a smokescreen to maintain industrial agriculture 🏭

& policy-makers are buying it

(c) FAO👇 Image
Read 9 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
Une COP peut en cacher une autre.

Cette semaine, la communauté internationale a rendez-vous à Montréal pour la #COP15 #biodiversité.

Objectif : enrayer la destruction rapide des espèces animales, végétales et des milieux qui les abritent.

Un thread pr vs expliquer tout ça 🧵
On va d'abord évacuer un malentendu : cela ne concerne pas uniquement les amoureux de la nature.

Cette érosion de la #biodiversité est une menace pour l'avenir de nos sociétés, parce que celle-ci nous rend tout un tas de services indispensables #COP15
"Les gens ne se rendent pas compte à quel point nous dépendons d'une nature en bonne santé pour nous nourrir, respirer un air sain ou boire de l'eau", m'expliquait il y a peu l'écologue Camille Parmesan #biodiversité #COP15
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Nov 27th 2022
1/ Scandale, carence, poids des lobbys... à quelques jours de la #COP15 biodiversité, parlons aujourd'hui des #pesticides dans les sites #Natura2000, joyaux de biodiversité contaminés par l'agrochimie !
2/ Le réseau Natura 2000 est un réseau européen de sites naturels destiné à protéger les espèces et des habitats les plus importants au niveau 🇪🇺.
En 🇫🇷, il existe 1 753 sites Natura 2000 couvrent 13 % du territoire terrestre hexagonal (15% des terres agricoles).
3/ Natura 2000 comprend:
👉 les zones spéciales de conservation (ZSC) désignées pour protéger les habitats naturels et espèces inscrites en annexe de la directive Habitats
👉 les zones de protection spéciale (ZPS) désignées pour assurer la protection des oiseaux sauvages.
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Nov 11th 2022

#Punjab #Farmers were encouraged to shift away from #bajra #pulses #oilseeds #chana & enter #wheat-#paddy cycle by a assured price mechanism policy; why not assure MSP for #pulses to Punjab farmers, which can cut 16,627 crore imports, reduce paddy acreage & paddy #straw ?
An example to show, how the shift from pulses in Punjab happened.
In 1960-61, #pulses acreage in #Punjab was 9.03 lakh hectares with production of 7.09 lakh ton, but; in 2018-19 Kharif, it dropped to 7500 hectares with a production of 6200 tons
The per kg cost of pulse import increased from Rs 16.88 in 2006-07 to Rs 42.80 in 2016-17 (rise of 10%/year). If India were to continue to import large quantities of pulses, the unit cost of such imports is to increase for sure. Why not encourage Punjab farmers to grow pulses ?
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Sep 13th 2022
This article really shows the shallowness of @BillGates thinking. He actually calls #GMO crops "magic seeds" and compares alternatives to "singing kumbaya". It's laughable but this is a good article that quotes some incisive criticisms of Gates' approach…
@BillGates Some researchers question Gates' fundamental premise, increasing ag production through #GMO seeds + fertilizers & #pesticides. They point to the environmental footprint of industrial ag, including fossil fuel-based fertilizers, soil degradation and the diminishing of biodiversity
@BillGates Critics in Ghana ask what would happen if instead of funding #GMO crops, so far to little effect after nearly a decade, those resources went to the national research centers in Ghana, to building roads, to building storage, to building silos or helping to build markets?
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Sep 5th 2022
Many people ask - I'm eating what my grandparents ate. They were vegetarians & were (mostly) healthy & slim.
Why do I have #metabolic issues? Why should I change my food?
(I'm referring to 👵🧓 before the 1980-90s era)
Consider these answers (A THREAD)
Have you seen them eat from a hotel? Or buy from a shop?
They always ate locally sourced items, home cooked simple meals. Grains, Fruits & veggies didn't have the amount of #pesticides that are found today.
Sugary food, snacks & treats were mainly reserved for special occasions & feasting times. They were NOT an everyday item.
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Jul 22nd 2022
So I watched this webinar & have a few thoughts.

Incoming mega🧵 on #Medicine & #ModernAg

Buckle up.
At the dawn of the 20th century life expectancy for Americans hovered around 45 years of age.

In other parts of the globe, people lived to the ripe old age of 30.
At the same time ~ 45% of the American population farmed.

According to 1950 census data 1 out of 2 Americans lived on a farm in 1900.…
Read 25 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
Tadpoles exposed to the #glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup suffer "massive malformations". Not only are the embryos smaller but heart function is impaired, and abnormal effects appear in the eyes, skull and brain…
Scientists from the University of Ulm found tadpoles developed smaller eyes, brains, hearts & cranial nerves when frog spawn was exposed to Roundup.

The #glyphosate concentrations used were ~equivalent to those detected in small stagnant bodies of water in countries like Brazil. Image
"We've been able to clearly show that the heartbeat is impaired, mobility is inhibited and the master gene PAX 6 for eye development is also impaired," says biologist Susanne Kühl. The results have wider implications—eg there's a similar master gene for eye development in humans.
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Jul 15th 2022
Divonne-les-Bains : Karin Schneider, l'insolente qui fait du vin ...
Elle réfléchit déjà au vin qu'elle veut faire l'année prochaine, certainement avec du raisin en culture biologique ou en biodynamique.… #biodynamie
Le Hofgut Rengoldshausen célèbre 800 ans de ferme et 90 ans d'agriculture biodynamique. Depuis la fondation au XIIIe siècle, une ferme progressiste s'est développée et les femmes sont toujours influentes. #Biodynamique…
Château d’Estoublon: le jardin provençal du couple Bruni-Sarkozy Depuis longtemps conduite en agriculture biologique, les vignes se voient appliquer les principes de la biodynamie depuis quelques années.… Image
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Jul 14th 2022
Our new paper ‘Quantifying exposure of #bumblebee (Bombus spp.) queens to #pesticide residues when hibernating in agricultural soils’ is out in Environmental Pollution! 👉… #Pollinators #OpenAccess @ELSenviron @NigelERaine @McArtLab 🐝👑🧵(1/5) Image
(2/5) Many bumble🐝 species hibernate underground, where they can be exposed to soil contaminants. To quantify #exposure to #pesticide residues for these 👑, we sampled soils from suitable likely hibernation sites on🍎and diversified farms in Ontario 🇨🇦 during fall🍂
(3/5) We found that bumble🐝👑 are very likely to be exposed to complex #mixtures of multiple insecticides, herbicides & fungicides in agricultural soils (including high levels of cyantraniliprole, chlorantraniliprole, & boscalid‼️). 53 active ingredients were detected. Image
Read 5 tweets

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