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Jul 31st 2020
[Mass disqualification is just the beginning]

1. #Beijing is staging multiple acts to prevent the opposition bloc from taking the majority in LegCo. They could disqualify us, arrest us, throw us into jail, or even call off the election and create a puppet parliament elsewhere. Image
2. While Singapore successfully held a general election earlier this month, #Carrie lam just announced to propose the election. It is expected that Beijing would decide on whether incumbent legislators (who were disqualified yesterday) can extend tenure by redefining Basic Law.
3. More questions about the postponement of election include: To what extent and in what ways does Beijing intend to reopen the election? Will Beijing decide to arrest more activists under #NationalSecurityLaw?
Read 5 tweets
May 29th 2019
El mundo del cine y sus increíbles maravillas. Abrimos hilo sobre hechos, curiosidades y datos de cine que tanto fascinan. ¡Vamos allá!
#Cine #curiosidades #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine
En los discursos de aceptación de los Oscars, se le ha dado a Steven Spielberg las gracias más que a dios. Aquí están las estadísticas que a quienes se le han dado más las gracias con una estatuilla en la mano.
#Cine #Spielberg #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine #Oscars
La leyenda urbana de que todos los relojes en Pulp Fiction están parados a las 4:20 es falsa. Algunos sí, pero no todos ni mucho menos. Hay relojes importantes en la trama que ni de cerca.
#Cine #PulpFiction #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine #Tarantino
Read 126 tweets
Dec 4th 2018
I have a little programming announcement...
There's an old saying, "Do it for the culture" - which can mean a lot of different things, but boils down to caring about and respecting the culture and a broad range of cultural contributions.

(h/t Migos)
I also like to say "Do it for the cloture" - which is more about whipping enough votes to end a filibuster
Read 6 tweets

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