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Mar 13th 2023
Just out: Scientific report with overview of highly pathogenic avian #influenza from December 2022 to March 2023, by @efsa, @ECDC_EU, and EURL AI. A thread on the situation in poultry, wild birds, wild mammals, and humans in Europe and worldwide. (1/11)…
In #Europe, highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus #H5N1, clade, was reported in 403 #poultry farms and 119 other captive bird holdings birds in 24 countries between 3 December 2022 and 1 March 2023. (2/11)
In Europe, an unexpected number of highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus #H5N1 detections in #seabirds were observed between 3 December 2022 and 1 March 2023, mainly in gull species and particularly in black-headed #gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). (3/11)
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Aug 26th 2022
A brief thread on #mammals that are are alive today but were first described as #fossils.... 1/n
Goosebeak or Cuvier’s beaked #whale (#Ziphius cavirostris): described as a fossil in 1823 but realised in 1872 to be the same as beached specimens reported in 1820s but given different names. Ziphius is near-globally distributed (pics: specimens from Bay of Biscay; NOAA) 2/n
Bush dog (Speothos venaticus): named as a fossil in 1839 - which explains Speothos, meaning ‘cave wolf’ - and described alive 1843. The same person, Danish naturalist Peter Wilhelm Lund, described the fossil AND living animals, but ... 3/n (pics Attis; Bonne1978; CC BY-SA 3.0)
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Jun 16th 2022
I just can't believe we're halfway through the year already. I haven't done much at #TetZoo - just no chance - but here's a quick thread of personal highlights of 2022 so far... ImageImageImageImage
First off, I enjoyed putting together my lookback at the 2001 #DorlingKindersley Encyclopedia of #Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life, a book I co-authored and helped put together during my formative PhD-focused years…
The recycled article on Kogia - the dwarf and pygmy sperm whales - was fun to reassemble...… #mammals #marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
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Feb 28th 2022
A thread about #whales🐳 in the latest @IPCC_CH report on climate.
1) We are already seeing, with a high level of confidence, reproductive failures and declining abundances due to warmer polar oceans and reduced sea ice.
2) North Atlantic Right and Gray whales are the two most vulnerable marine mammal species, both of whom are already critically endangered. #NARW
3) The extinction of the these #whale species (and reduction in others) will disproportionately eliminate unique and important evolutionary lineages as well as functional diversity, with consequent impacts THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MARINE ECOSYSTEM.
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