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Jun 11th 2023
The recent news about shootings in #Vietnam's police stations in Đắk Lắk, a province in Central Highlands, may have now recaptured the issues about the history of Montagnards, a group of indigenous tribes living in the…
The shootings and recently captured assailants, published by state media, may only further indicated the possible historical grievances in a region that has been largely considered pacified by the Vietnamese regime. Image
Montagnards, the first indigenous peoples in the Highlands, has a long history of frictions with the Vietnamese rulers. The region was absorbed by the Nguyễn dynasty in the 19th century as part of Southward expansion, but Vietnamese made contacts even earlier than that. Image
Read 17 tweets
May 30th 2023
Excited about PM @AlboMP upcoming visit to #Vietnam (and his @IISS_org #SLD2023 keynote!).

A short 🧵 from me about the 🇦🇺🇻🇳 relationship, its momentum, opportunities and future trajectory on the occasion of 50th anniversary 👇 1/
Fairly new-found strategic closeness under the Coalition gov resulted in a strategic partnership.
"The 2 countries are increasingly aligned in their strategic outlook and both find each other supportive and, frankly, useful, for their own strategic goals."…
#Australia has been a reliable partner in providing assistance to #Vietnam's #UN #peacekeeping forces, and it has supported #infrastructure in the vulnerable #Mekong region or donating #vaccines during #Covid #pandemic...
@FinancialReview 3/…
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May 21st 2023
Hello, Connections! Welcome back to my weekly column #ATHCOriginal #AskATHC. Today, I want to discuss a rather controversial topic—#Women.

#UnitedShowbiz #Gender #eqyality #Education #womenempowerment #TedTalk #Inspiration #Movies
Last week, I discussed #ContentWriting, but today's topic is different. Before going further, I want to declare outright that I am not a feminist or atheist. I am just a pragmatic, who sees a glass & water as two distinct things rather than seeing it half-empty or half full.
World has moved forward. Girls have gone to space! But culture, religion, ethics, & social evils continue to haunt girls worldwide. I don't want to talk about India, you've plenty of cases where women face atrocities almost every single day here. #RuralIndia #WomenLifeFreedom
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May 11th 2023
Just watched the #CNNTownhall with 2024 Presidential candidate and former President @realDonaldTrump , as well as the post-townhall panel discussion.

One thing is clear: #America is a broken country. It's split right down the middle.

Racial divisions and #massshootings are peaking, the economy is cratering, #poverty and #homelessness are rising.

And meanwhile, the US government is involved in, or threatening to get involved in, wars from #Ukraine to #Taiwan to #Syria to #Iran to #NorthKorea.

When they should be working on healing the divisions in their own nation. White vs non-White, Rural vs Urban, Rich vs Poor, drug addiction, broken homes - all these are tearing America apart.

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May 8th 2023
1/Yesterday a flotilla of #China maritime militia ships moving SE executed an unusual 90deg turn, spread out & began moving SW—on a course that would intriguingly lead them directly into the #ASEAN-#India Maritime Exercise group headed NE from Singapore.
But wait… [🧵1/5] Image
2/What I didn’t see then was the militia ships were escorting survey ship Xiang Yang Hong 10. While seeing #China’s survey ships in #Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone isn’t new, it’s odd to see them escorted by so many militia.
Wait, there’s more… [2/5]…
3/Three hours ago, 2 #China Coast Guard ships also suddenly appeared on AIS, visibly joining the flotilla. How long they’ve been there is unknown, but now they want to be seen.
Also of note, #Vietnam fisheries ship Kiem Ngu 414 began shadowing the flotilla yesterday.
So… [3/5] Image
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May 8th 2023
One day, i'll know love, i'll know laughter, echoing rains. One day, paradise will open, love is like an apple, one bite of this love, bitterly sweet, It's unfulfilled . Like famous last words, the dream of love is fading… © 2023 by #3XiDe Corp #US #AmericanVietnamese #lyrics ImageImageImage
#CôngTằngTônNữMaiĐệLiênMinhHằng🌹🎵🌹🎶🌹🎵🌹🎶🌹🎵🌹🎶 <333 ……
🎼 Love Lamentations = Bao Giờ Biết Tương Tư 🇺🇸 Sáng tác tiếng Mỹ = English Lyrics Written By #MaryMVesely a/k/a #MaryMaiDeLien

One day, I'll know love, how to meet love, I'll know love's pain. One day, I must wait, I'll know sweetness, sadness of the rain 🌧. . .
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Apr 29th 2023

Il 6 giugno 1969, il Fronte Nazionale per la Liberazione del Vietnam del Sud (NLF) e altre organizzazioni politiche e sociali convocarono un congresso di rappresentanti del Sud che portò alla creazione del Governo Rivoluzionario Provvisorio della
Repubblica del Vietnam del Sud ( PRG), che inizierebbe a svolgere un ruolo decisivo nella formazione del potere rivoluzionario in questa parte del Paese . ImageImage
Va detto che dal 1970 la lotta in Laos e Cambogia, anch'essa occupata dagli USA, si è rafforzata ei patrioti di questi paesi hanno iniziato a coordinare i loro sforzi con le FNL per lo sviluppo della guerra rivoluzionaria. Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 24th 2023

According to a source from the Czech government, during the current visit of Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala to 🇻🇳#Vietnam, major cooperation in security-defence is planned.

1/5 PM Petr Fiala with his Viet...
Vietnam is particularly interested in additional L-39NG aircraft, of which it has ordered 12 in 2021 and deliveries of the first units are due to start this year. The delivery of L-410NG transport aircraft was also discussed. Both products are under @Omnipol1934 group.

2/5 L-39NGL-410NG
Omnipol officials also held talks about possible sale of dual-use radars to be installed in civilian and military airports.
@stv_group and @CSG_HOLDING discussed possible contracts to upgrade Vietnam’s Soviet-made tanks and armoured vehicles with advanced technologies, including…… T-72EA - modernized soviet ...Image
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Apr 24th 2023
In five years, #JoeBiden will likely get the #NobelPeacePrize. But not because he did anything proactively for peace.

It is because a #Multipolar World will be more peaceful than a unipolar one, and Biden has done more than anyone else (albeit unwittingly) to further that. (1/n)
The US-led #sanctions against #Russia in response to the #UkraineRussiaWar have forced countries around the world to abandon the US dollar as a medium of trade. This is forcing the rest of the world (non-West) together. Banning Russia from #swift was most important in this. (2/n)
#India and #China desperately need oil. Because of sanctions, Russia is providing oil at cheap rates to both. Russia has now become India's largest source of oil, displacing Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Chinese imports of Russian oil have also zoomed upwards. (3/n)
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Apr 13th 2023
Long Thread:

China's “Pearl of Strings" Vs Bharat's “Diamond Necklace"!

Modern day wars are not to conquer Land Parcels, but to control Trade & Economies!

#China was lucky to be given a Free Hand by #UPA govt of CONgress which literally slept over Strategic Issues.

#China increased it's presence in Indian Ocean rampantly till 2014 through its Debt Trap Diplomacy to suit it's #StringsOfPearls strategy to contain Bharat's hold in Indian Ocean.

It created a ring around Bharat through strategically placed Nations.

How was it being done?

Via debt-trap policy! China lured strategically located nations around #Bharat to borrow Infra Loans. Once indebted, #China pressurized them to support its Geostrategic interests. This way, China got Control over Chittagong
(Bangladesh),Karachi &Gwadar Port(Pakistan) and...

Read 19 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
@NATO Sc. pres #Niinistö has not had a #mandate to sign laws.
THREAD 13 Finland #ElectionsCrimes
FROM: #Finland's #PresidentialElections 2018.
TO: The #IPU. In 2015 #ParliamentaryElections their votes were #RESET in the #ElectionNight.
@NATO cc:@ janus_putkonen
An illegal #NATO #coup to the end, and such systematic #fraud is certainly not thoughtless. Any other #NATO member country can use the harsh truth to throw #Finland out of NATO or leave it to its own... Image
@NATO #Niinistö took #Finland to the #Euro zone with #treason (a crime that does not expire), and now we are going to #NATO even though the #Paris #PeaceTreaty is still #valid with #Russia and #prevents Finland from becoming a NATO member.
Read 30 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
@kajakallas #Niinistö took #Finland to the #Euroz one with #treason (a crime that does not expire), and now we are going to #NATO even though the #Paris #PeaceTreaty is still #valid with #Russia and #prevents Finland from becoming a NATO member.
@kajakallas #Treason.
cc:@ janus_putkonen
An illegal #NATO #coup to the end, and such systematic #fraud is certainly not thoughtless. Any other NATO member country can use the harsh truth to throw #Finland out of NATO or leave it to its own... Image
Read 20 tweets
Apr 3rd 2023
1. oggi vedo su #Repubblica l'accusa più antica del mondo: i #pacifisti accusati di fare il gioco del nemico,di essere la quinta colonna della Russia o del dittatore di turno.C'è un libro maestoso che dovete leggere: "The Burglary" di Betty Medsger. E' solo in inglese
2. Betty Medsger era giornalista del Washington Post durante la guerra in #Vietnam: i pacifisti scelsero lei per farle arrivare un pacco di documenti che provavano la guerra sporca dell'#FBI di Edgar Hoover contro i pacifisti
3. un gruppo di #pacifisti,tra cui professori universitari di alta estrazione sociale, si addestrarono, entrarono la notte del famoso incontro di boxe Mohammed Ali-Frazier, nella sede dell'FBI e rubarono i documenti dell'FBI che provavano la guerra sporca contro i pacifisti
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Mar 31st 2023

The Vietnam War’s most iconic helicopter, the UH-1 Iroquois “Huey” was a ubiquitous transport and gunship which came to represent the conflict in the public’s imagination.

First introduced in the 1950s, the U.S. Army soon adopted the UH-1 helicopter for use in a variety of roles. Its original designation was "HU" for "helicopter, utility" (hence the sobriquet "HUey"), which was later changed to "UH" for "utility helicopter."

#USArmy @USArmy
The UH-1 and its variants were the backbone of the Army’s new airmobile doctrine and performed a variety of roles. These included close air support gunships, assault aircraft for infantrymen, basic transport functions, and "air ambulances" for medical evacuation.
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Mar 31st 2023

An LTC during the early phase of the Vietnam War, Hal Moore earned fame for his leadership during the Battle of Ia Drang, the U.S. Army’s first major combat engagement in Vietnam.
Graduating from West Point shortly after WWII, Moore served in the Korean War. In 1964, he participated in the training exercises of the experimental units tasked with testing the Army’s new airmobility doctrines.

#ArmyHistory #USArmy #TRADOC #VietnamWar #Vietnam #7thCavalry
Moore left for Vietnam in late summer 1965, joining the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). Beginning 14 NOV 1965, Moore put his experience with airmobile tactics to good use as he led the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment in the Battle of Ia Drang.
#1stCavalry @USArmy @TRADOC
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Mar 29th 2023
Refueling pump.
Efimov Boris Efimovich (1900-2008)

State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO"1968

#USA #Vietnam #LatinAmerica #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Libya #Ukraine #Taiwan .....


#America 💥 💣 #TheEndofAmerica Image
Reflection of old theories.
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO" #Russia

#Europe #USA #Ukraine Image
The birth of fascism
An American woman writes a letter to her beloved at the front, thanking him for a gift – the skull of a murdered Japanese.

The photo was published in LIFE magazine on May 22, 1944, USA.
#USA #America #Japan #japanese @threadreaderapp #KindlyUnroll ImageImage
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Mar 16th 2023
55 years ago today, American soldiers committed mass massacre and rape in a small Vietnamese village known as “My Lai 4.”

About hundred US G.I.s and officers were looking for Viet Cong soldiers in the village. But there were only women, girls, children and old men.

This region…… ImageImageImageImage
More photos:

🔹A young boy being shot to death
🔹US soldiers setting the houses on fire
🔹US soldiers resting after the massacre — not a sign of guilt.

#MyLai #Vietnam ImageImageImageImage
Four years after My Lai massacre, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote an article revealing the horrific details.

He got the Pulitzer Prize for this.

(In 2023, he also wrote how the Biden blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, but now the mainstream……
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Mar 13th 2023
Just out: Scientific report with overview of highly pathogenic avian #influenza from December 2022 to March 2023, by @efsa, @ECDC_EU, and EURL AI. A thread on the situation in poultry, wild birds, wild mammals, and humans in Europe and worldwide. (1/11)…
In #Europe, highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus #H5N1, clade, was reported in 403 #poultry farms and 119 other captive bird holdings birds in 24 countries between 3 December 2022 and 1 March 2023. (2/11)
In Europe, an unexpected number of highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus #H5N1 detections in #seabirds were observed between 3 December 2022 and 1 March 2023, mainly in gull species and particularly in black-headed #gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). (3/11)
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Mar 12th 2023
Voila presque 7ans (le temps passe vite !) que je vis au #Vietnam🇻🇳 et dans le cadre d'un cours que je dois preparer, je vais vous exposer ici 10 differences culturelles qui existent entre la #France🇫🇷 et le Vietnam 🇻🇳
Vous etes pret ? Alors allons y c'est parti !
1) le pays des deux roues
Les scooters sont clairement les rois au #Vietnam🇻🇳 et + de 90% de la population se déplace en deux roues. En France, on utilise essentiellement les voitures et/ou les transports en commun.
La circulation est chaotique, mais on s’y habitue rapidement !
2) La rue
La rue sert souvent de prolongement des maisons, il n'est pas rare de voir des gens s'attabler dehors avec nourriture,des bieres et parfois des karaokes devant chez eux
Au #Vietnam, il est courant d’avoir les maisons ouvertes, alors qu’en France c'est un espace prive
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Mar 11th 2023
Information for Libya! #Libya #Libyans

Hillary Clinton's leaked emails revealed that NATO eliminated Muammar Gaddafi in order to stop the formation of the United States of Africa.

#Africa #NATO #USA #China #Iran #Iraq #Syria Image
Why is the International Criminal Court not interested in bringing Hillary Clinton to justice for war crimes in Libya?

MEP Mick Wallace. 🤔👍
#Libya #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Serbia #Cuba #Venezuela #China #Germany #Africa Image
When Gaddafi said: "This is our continent, our banks, our currency. We strive for independence." That was the last straw.

Muammar Gaddafi's former press secretary Musa Ibrahim
#Libya #Syria #Japan #Iran #Iraq #Serbia #Africa #Qatar #SaudiArabia #Turkey
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Mar 5th 2023
Ucrania 🇺🇦 Vs Rusia 🇷🇺
La situación no ha cambiado y en #Bakhmut solo resisten unos pocos militares ucranianos. La diferencia de tropas y armamento, fue crucial para los invasores con los mercenarios del G. Wagner al frente. De hecho hace dos días los rusos pasean por la ciudad.
En #Bakhmut la resistencia de los ucranianos fue de un coraje increíble. Aún unos pocos quedan ahí, y hay combates aislados. Los rusos siguen con la misma táctica que desarrollaron en la destruida #Mariupol. Hay habitantes (personas mayores), que nunca se irán de sus casas.
⚠️ Hago un paréntesis:
En todo el mundo existen “nuevos corresponsales de guerra”, pero detrás de una pantalla, y a miles de Km de la zona invadida.
No solo eso, sino que simpatizan como fanáticos por #Putin o por #Zelensky.
⚠️Yo tampoco estoy en el lugar, pero trato de informar.
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Mar 3rd 2023
#Ericsson fined $207m for concealing internal probe into bribes paid to #ISIS

The #Swedish company was involved in a large scale corruption scheme across several #Asian countries…
#Swedish telecom giant Ericsson has been fined $207 million for violating a deferred prosecution deal with US authorities by concealing evidence of serious misconduct in #Iraq, where the company reportedly bribed #ISIS to access a specific transport route between 2011 & 2019.
In a statement issued on 2 March, Ericsson said it had entered “a guilty plea regarding previously deferred charges relating to conduct prior to 2017” for not disclosing its inquiry to the US authorities.…
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Mar 2nd 2023

The late Soviet leader Mikhail #Gorbachev warned — echoing President #Eisenhower — that the “greatest danger to the world is the military industrial complex.”

The first concentration camp: #Thalerhof — where thousands of Russians (and those merely suspected of Russian allegiance) were tortured, starved, and murdered in #WWI.

My full interview with Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy @Dpol_un.

Posted in 3 parts. (See thread for links)

Part 1: End of the #ColdWar: #Reagan, #Gorbachev, Perestroika, Winds of Change, the fall of the #USSR.…
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Feb 28th 2023
"For the 6.3 billion people who live outside of #TheWest, 66 percent feel positively towards #Russia and 70 percent feel positively towards #China, and, among the 66 percent who feel positively about Russia the breakdown is 75 percent in #SouthAsia, ...…
... 68 percent in Francophone #Africa, and 62 percent in Southeast #Asia. Public opinion of #Russia remains positive in #SaudiArabia, #Malaysia, #India, #Pakistan, and #Vietnam. ...
... Sentiments of this nature have caused some ire, surprise, and even anger in the West. It is difficult for them to believe that two-thirds of the world’s population is not siding with the West. What are some of the reasons or causes for this?
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