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Apr 16th 2020
#ClintonEmails Anthony #Fauci scrive al capostaff del SegrStato #CherylMills che è emozionato per il discorso di Hillary #Clinton sul nuovo percorso della salute globale

Molto raramente un discorso mi fa piangere..dì al Segretario che la amo più che mai… Image
#Wikileaks mostra le evidenti connessioni dell'immunologo del #DeepState Anthony #Fauci..Tony per gli amici..con Hillary #Clinton #DNC #Podesta… Image
L'immunologo del #DeepState Tony #Fauci fa parte del Consiglio direttivo del Piano d'azione globale sui vaccini avviato dalla #FondazioneGates… Image
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Jan 8th 2019
Some of the most important legal work in defense of constitutional limits on federal governance is being conducted by @JudicialWatch, led by @TomFitton.

True enough that I'm biased ... #JW's work has helped to expose @HillaryClinton's and @BarackObama's secret state.
I just finished reading a decision in one of their long-running FOIA lawsuits, #JudicialWatchvUSDeptofState. You can read the decision here:…
The decision is by Judge Royce Lamberth, who serves as a federal district court judge, after he was confirmed to that position with the US District Court for the District of Columbia during the Reagan administration.
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