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Dec 24th 2020
Lecciones de Seguridad 2020
Capitulo II
#Global #Security Image
La opción más extrema
Tras conocerse el ataque en Kirkuk, la Casa Blanca pidió al Pentágono que le presentase al presidente Donald Trump un abanico de posibles respuestas. Image
Entre las "opciones sobre la mesa": Hundir barcos iraníes, bombardear instalaciones de misiles, atacar campamentos de las milicias en Irak. ademas de.... Image
Read 17 tweets
Apr 16th 2020
#ClintonEmails Anthony #Fauci scrive al capostaff del SegrStato #CherylMills che è emozionato per il discorso di Hillary #Clinton sul nuovo percorso della salute globale

Molto raramente un discorso mi fa piangere..dì al Segretario che la amo più che mai… Image
#Wikileaks mostra le evidenti connessioni dell'immunologo del #DeepState Anthony #Fauci..Tony per gli amici..con Hillary #Clinton #DNC #Podesta… Image
L'immunologo del #DeepState Tony #Fauci fa parte del Consiglio direttivo del Piano d'azione globale sui vaccini avviato dalla #FondazioneGates… Image
Read 3 tweets
Dec 9th 2019
.@realDonaldTrump retweeted JW 4 times! The tweets were about @TomFitton’s Weekly Update live stream discussing the Pelosi/Schiff abuse, the FBI “finds” #Clintonemails, JW suing for Ukraine coup corruption, the #impeachmenthearings & more. Check out the retweets below! (1/4).
Check out the retweet below and be sure to visit our website here: (2/4).
Check out the retweet below and be sure to visit our website here: (3/4).
Read 4 tweets
Oct 21st 2019
President @realDonaldTrump retweeted JW & @TomFitton 4 times! The tweets were about CA removing 1.59M names off registration rolls, Weekly Update topics which include the Biden-Ukraine scandal, #DeepState, #ClintonEmails, and more! Check out the retweets below. (1/4).
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2019
President @realdonaldtrump retweeted Judicial Watch & JW President @TomFitton 4 times! The tweets were about JW’s Weekly Update, #Spygate, Andrew Weismann, #ClintonEmails, press releases & more! Check out the retweets below & press release here: (1/4).
Check out the press release here: (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
May 22nd 2018

Michael Caputo just said a former GOVERNMENT contractor of a Government agency tried to give him, through an intermediary, Hillary Clinton's emails in May 2016. Phone calls were going on at #Trump Tower at the time.
Caputo said he didn't want to take Hillary's emails because he thought there would be classified info in them and might be illegal, so he stopped contact. Then in July 2016, they tried to give him the emails again.
He said at the time, he never told anyone else about it because he had just joined the #Trump campaign and thought people would think he was strange for coming on and telling them he had her emails.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 21st 2018
COMEY MEMOS: (THREAD) Working my way through the 15 pages of #ComeyMemos. Here are the most important and/or shocking revelations: 1/
During #Comey's 1/6/17 at Trump Tower, @Comey told Trump that the Russians allegedly had tapes involving Trump & prostitutes at a Moscow hotel in 2013. Could these be the infamous #PeeTapes? #ComeyMemos 2/
Trump also praised #Comey on 1/6/17 for his handling of the #ClintonEmails investigation. @realDonaldTrump lavished praise on @Comey, indicating that Comey had conducted himself "honorably" and had a great reputation. #ComeyMemos 3/
Read 28 tweets
Jan 7th 2018
If #MuellerInvestigation can’t show collusion, an obstruction charge won’t stick. #Republican argument: Not a crime to stop a witch hunt. The better path if no collusion? Make #2018Elections a vote about whether #Trump is the best we can do. Then move on.…
Meanwhile, #Democrats would be wise to acknowledge politicization of senior #FBI & #CIA officials (esp Comey & Co’s handling of #Dossier, #Strzok fiasco, etc) and own the illegality of #ClintonEmails. The credibility earned would allow voters to better hear an inspired Dem pitch.
The #Democrat’s pitch? “We’re the adults who can fix what’s broken.” Otherwise, it’s just, “At least we’re not #Trump!” Americans are tired of hearing that argument. We want inspired, honest leadership, and a balanced path fwd. Start w/ #TermLimits.…
Read 3 tweets
Jul 1st 2016
Not technically a #FOIA, but a 291 page #deposition obtained by @JudicialWatch of Huma Abdelin re: #ClintonEmails…
1) I believe this is the first time Huma's email on the ClintonMail server has been officially given. Nothing fancy.
2) Huma's answer to why ClintonEmail,com was set up: because Hillary's 2008 pres-campaign email was playing up.
Read 23 tweets

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