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Jun 7th 2021
🆕report by @IEA, @IRENA, @GlobalGoalsUN, @WorldBank, & @WHO shows that while approximately 90% of the 🌍 population gained electricity access in the past decade, regional disparities continue to persist.

Urgent actions are needed to close the gap 👉 Image
Close to 3 billion people have no access to #CleanCooking solutions, mainly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

Exposure to household #AirPollution will continue to contribute to millions of deaths from noncommunicable diseases, pneumonia, and #COVID19

👉 Image
During the period 2010-2019

🇨🇳 China
🇮🇳 India
🇮🇩 Indonesia
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇵🇰 Pakistan
increased their combined access rate to #CleanCooking by 2%


#TrackingSDG7 Image
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Nov 19th 2020

#SEforALL's Energizing Finance research shows the world remains off-track to finance #SDG7 by 2030. Finance for #electricity & #cleancooking is significantly below $ levels needed, putting the most vulnerable at risk⚠️

Read our #SDG7Finance data:
#Energy investments are not going to the countries with the greatest needs or to the right solutions—therefore not addressing the most urgent #energygaps ⚠️

Join us later at 2PM CET as we share 🔑 messages & recommendations from Energizing Finance 2020⤵️…
@DamilolaSDG7 @climatepolicy @southpoleglobal @Acumen @GET_invest 🔹What is the volume of investment required to deliver universal #EnergyAccess?
🔹How much finance must be mobilized, in what form & where should it flow?

Find out in 30 mins as we share key🔑 insights & recommendations from our 🆕 #SDG7Finance data:…
Read 6 tweets
May 28th 2020
Urgent action needed to accelerate access to sustainable and modern energy solutions, which is key for a resilient green recovery post-#COVID19.

Latest #TrackingSDG7 report 👉🏽
The #TrackingSDG7 Report is out.

Read about the progress and find out how WHO & partners are strengthening cooperation between health and energy sectors to accelerate transition to clean energy.

Between 2000 and 2018, #Indonesia🇮🇩 saw the fastest growth in the percentage of people using clean fuels and technologies of any country.

The number of people lacking access to #CleanCooking in 🇮🇩 was reduced from 199 million➡️54 million.

Read 4 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
@cleancooking @paulbledsoe @Forbes Vital @cleancooking point about lag in $$ for cooking energy under #se4all #adg7. A new coalition focused on energy gap for the rural poor has made a compelling case for more such investment to be directed to last-mile households, & biomass options. 1/
@cleancooking @paulbledsoe @Forbes @andy_grieshop @PamJagger @SETIenergy I was happy to facilitate finding #roomforagreement in Pathways to #CleanCooking meeting last week. I was a #biomasscooking skeptic, like many focused mainly on #PM25, for which #LPG is clear scaleable option. But saw #stacking reality - clean and smoky cooking together in India.
@cleancooking @paulbledsoe @Forbes @andy_grieshop @PamJagger @SETIenergy The declaration that emerged makes vital #cleancooking and #sdg7 points. Those gathered had different vantage points, but overcame resistance to #responsediversity & found common agenda. To me, next step is widening circles. Wicked problems need everyone engaged. #energyjustice
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