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Oct 19th 2021
🧵(@manijadegarcia) Whew, responding to the twitter chat from yesterday stirred up a lot for me. After a break I will return to discuss some ideas for survival, stress management, joy & healing. I used the acronym ACCESS to organize the ideas.

#DEHEM21 #TainoSalud

1/ Light blue background. Image on top left of a dandelion with
(@manijadegarcia) #Acceptance is a key feature of many eastern belief systems (e.g. #Buddhism & #YogaPhilosophy) & shows up in some Western therapies (e.g. #mindfulness #ACT & #RadicalAcceptance in #DBT).

Acceptance has many layers that apply to #MentalHealth & #Disability

(@manijadegarcia) Important point: #acceptance does NOT mean to agree with or like something. It's about doing your best to accept the REALITY of something, including the emotions it may stir.

Acceptance may not always feel good, but I have found it to be good for me.

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