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Sep 18th 2020
#RHOBHReunion got me in a binge. I had never seen Real Housewives (anything, much seen #RHOBH before.

So, after my Season 10 today (and currently on That's Amore) - let me just say that @DENISE_RICHARDS coming back to the table was a huge deal.

I know that *Denise leaving* was a thematic element in the show but may I offer a legitimate empathetic reason? It may not apply to her but - in my life - I will tell you why;

#Trauma of the #PTSD unresolved kind that drove me to #Codependent Recovery (#CodieRecovery👈).

Someone (sorry I cannot remember who) characterized her as being 'Fight or Flight' and they're right. I'm gonna also go out on a limb and characterize her potential for a Freeze.

I was a Freezer.


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