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May 23rd 2023
#Disinformation about the Law of #Ukraine - On Supporting the Functioning of the #Ukrainian Language as the #State #Language Image

“One of the authors of the draft law, #Mykola #Knyazhytsky says the legislation is not designed to curtail any #minority language in #Ukraine,
but rather to support #Ukrainian through proposing to increase Ukrainian #language content on national #television to 75%.The proposed #law is discussed in committee.”…
Read 14 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
@NATO Sc. pres #Niinistö has not had a #mandate to sign laws.
THREAD 13 Finland #ElectionsCrimes
FROM: #Finland's #PresidentialElections 2018.
TO: The #IPU. In 2015 #ParliamentaryElections their votes were #RESET in the #ElectionNight.
@NATO cc:@ janus_putkonen
An illegal #NATO #coup to the end, and such systematic #fraud is certainly not thoughtless. Any other #NATO member country can use the harsh truth to throw #Finland out of NATO or leave it to its own... Image
@NATO #Niinistö took #Finland to the #Euro zone with #treason (a crime that does not expire), and now we are going to #NATO even though the #Paris #PeaceTreaty is still #valid with #Russia and #prevents Finland from becoming a NATO member.
Read 30 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa c: @ ivan_8848
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
#Russia #responded 8 days LATER by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxywar that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire.
@ZelenskyyUa The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by #Ukraine a WEEK BEFORE.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this.
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @i van_8848
📷#Putin announces '#specialoperation' in #Donbass Last warning 📷 Fulfil the #MinskAgreements! After 8 years of asking, this was President Putin's last ask in late 2021 - allow the Donbass to have a #referendum.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
@IntlCrimCourt Broke?! Hobbyist level #Zaporizhzhia #FalseFlag. The cameraman was waiting for explosions that came from #inside the apartments to the #outside. He dared to go and take close-up pictures because he knew that no more #explosives had been #planted.
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimAAKhanKC This is just the appetizer from 'Thread 62'⬇️ mentioned:
#Ukrainian #fascists hold a party at #Kyiv's "BarHot" organized by #cartoonist Anton #Chadsky, eat a cake depicting a #Russian #baby
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC
FROM: @amanpour “What is #Russia afraid of? #Democracy expanding,” says #Estonia’s Prime Minister @kajakallas | Mar 14
TO: #NATO #Stoltenberg On Air, Let's Count The [A]s | Mar 14, 2023.
Read 50 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #Donbass #Genocide. Those who #illegally sold #weapons to #Ukraine should have been caught by now.
Pres Sauli #Niinistö: '#Finland does not give arms aid to Ukraine' | 02/05/2015
- 'The hand grenade pin is off and variations of the #WW3 have taken place'
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #PatriaGate. Sauli #Niinistö dealt 200 armored vehicles to the Ukrainian army
-As early in the year, Niinistö declared that #Finland would not provide arms assistance to #Ukraine.
Read 39 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa #Zelensky's adviser, #Arestovich, is also telling the TRUTH.
- The whole idea of #Ukraine and the #West too is to #lie as much as possible to oneself and others and the whole structure #collapses if they start telling the #truth.
@ZelenskyyUa #Arestovich (#Zelensky's former advisor) condemns Zelensky for #war against #ethnic #Russians & #Christianity | 17.1.2023
- The popular advisor of Zelensky #resigned shortly this interview.
@ZelenskyyUa cc:@ ivan_8848
War Is Inevitable?
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
Russia #responded 8 d later by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxy war that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire
Read 24 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
@amanpour @kajakallas Canned meat distributed by the #Ukrainian #Nazi A. #Gramanchuk with fascist symbols such as the shield of the Ucronazi collabrs and the colors of the OUN-UPA, on the label it says: "#meat of Russian-speaking #babies"
Alluding to dead children in #Donbas
@amanpour @kajakallas Thread 19
FROM: #Marin in #Nazi -funeral #Ukraine | Mar 7, 2023
TO: #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
Read 70 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
Read 25 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
1. He trabajado como periodista, productor y director en diferentes canales de la TV ecuatoriana. A partir de mi (terrible) experiencia trabajando en medios, escribí este articulo que ningún medio ecuatoriano se atrevió a publicar. Lo hago público por primera vez. Abro hilo:
Read 5 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
The Abecedarians, the first band alphabetically in my collection. I’m not sure I have listened to this since I bought it. Fac 117, is a 12” 45, just two tracks, electronic with nods to other Factory bands. No idea what happened to them.
#abecedarians #factory #factoryrecords ImageImage
Backstory: In an effort to listen to a wider variety of the music I own for the first half of this year I’m dedicating a week to each letter. I thought I’d start with the disc that has sat leftmost on the shelves since some time in the eighties!
A Certain Ratio. A couple from them today, between the two marking a huge change from fucked to funky.

#factory #factoryrecords #acr #acertainratio
Read 267 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
L'implication des #journalistes dans la diffusion de la #propagande gouvernementale ne suffit pas. Dans l'épisode de
#PlusBelleLaVie de ce 12/8 #FranceTélévision, payée par l'argent du contribuable, présente des personnages "#complotistes" : frapadingues ⬇️ et dangereux,
ils évoquent le #coronavirus et "le grand effondrement" (la ressemblance avec le #GreatReset est voulue). Ainsi sont ridiculisés les opposants aux décisions absurdes, inutiles, inefficaces, discriminatoires et liberticides du #gouvernement qui accomplit, par étapes, le projet
de #Schwab en vue du #NouvelOrdreMondial.
Comme #Macron la #télévision publique nous méprise et nous caricature, nous désigne comme ennemis irrécupérables qu'on ne peut pas convaincre et qu'il faut empêcher de nuire.

Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2021

Any sufficiently Advanced Technology is indistinguishable from MAGIC!! Binafsi huwa nasema Technology Is the Great ant💉dote to the Poison of Enthusiasm and Superstition💣
📋Asili ya TV
📋Historia yake
📋Uvumbuzi n.k
Televisheni (TV) au Runinga ni kifaa chenye kioo ambacho kinapokea mawasiliano kutoka kituo cha televisheni na kuyabadilisha kuwa picha na sauti.

Neno "Televisheni" linatokana na maneno mawili:
(i)Tele (Kigiriki)-kwa mbali sana na
(ii)Visio (Kilatini)-mwono.

RT @omari_manyama
kwa pamoja yanaunda neno la Kiingereza #Television limetoholewa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili "Televisheni".

Ugunduzi wa TV📺 ni kazi iliyofanywa na watu wengi mwishoni mwa karne ya 19.Karne ya 20 Watu mmoja-mmoja na makampuni yalishindana kuunda chombo kilichopiku teknolojia ya awali.
Read 37 tweets
May 26th 2021
Where’s Jordan? It has been a valid question from so many of you, and it has been difficult to hold back from responding. However, some things take time and here I am now. I do owe you an answer because you have graciously invited me into your home every morning for a decade 1/20
We have laughed together and cried together, and I recognize that I may hold a very special place in yours and your family’s hearts.
I came to Calgary on somewhat of a whim in 2011. An Opportunity! My amazingly supportive wife was 8 months pregnant with our second child. 2/20
On bed rest. But we picked up and left our beloved city of #Winnipeg to come west. And damn I love this city of #Calgary and this province of #Alberta. I have lived in many place and I have learned that people make a place an actual community and those of you that I have met 3/20
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Mar 19th 2021
This is absolutely grotesque. Shame on @TVDSB & the teachers who enforced it.

"You'll be forgiven if you didn't know that some children had to be silent while eating their lunches & snacks... #Enforcement of the no-talking-during-lunch rule varies.."…
"Some #teachers are concerned that #COVID19 will spread further and faster if kids are allowed to talk, said @etfopresident, who represents Thames Valley's 3,600 teachers as head of the Elementary Teachers Federation of #Ontario."

#Trauma #Oppression #Conditioning
"In a Grade 2 #classroom, they have a hard time sitting still to begin with, and asking them not to speak, they look like they're being #punished...

Other teachers put on a movie or #television show to get the kids to focus on the front of the room, and not each other." ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jan 17th 2021
The assassinations of #MirwaizFarooq & #AbdulGhaniLone that reveals the ugly face of #Pakistan’s proxy war in #Kashmir. A #Thread

Pakistan is a festered wound in the lives of #Kashmiris that has been eating away the soul of Kashmir for decades now.
Some sane leaders in #Kashmir who saw through the devilish design of #Pakistan & tried to save its people from this snake in the grass were either sidelined or worse killed in cold blood.
This includes the two most influential leaders of Kashmir #MirwaizFarooq & #AbdulGhaniLone.
What happened with them?
At 7:15 p.m. on 13 Feb 1990, #terrorists shot Lassa Kaul, 45, director of the government-run #television station as he stepped from a vehicle in front of his home.
It shook Mirwaiz Farooq, Lassa Kaul was his dear friend.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 13th 2020


Our Lady of Fatima said on October 13, 1917, the day of the great Miracle of the Sun, ‘People must amend their lives #Fatima #Fatima103 #FatimasNextJob
2. and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord, Who is already deeply offended.’

The Holy Bible tells us that ‘He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins’ (Isaiah 53:3). St Alphonsus, Doctor of the Church, says that each one of
3. us can truly say the if I sinned just one sin less, then Jesus would have less to suffer in His Passion and Death.

The Blessed Virgin then tells us that we must pray because she knows, and the Catholic Church teaches, that without the grace of God no one can
#Bible #grace
Read 12 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
#RHOBHReunion got me in a binge. I had never seen Real Housewives (anything, much seen #RHOBH before.

So, after my Season 10 today (and currently on That's Amore) - let me just say that @DENISE_RICHARDS coming back to the table was a huge deal.

I know that *Denise leaving* was a thematic element in the show but may I offer a legitimate empathetic reason? It may not apply to her but - in my life - I will tell you why;

#Trauma of the #PTSD unresolved kind that drove me to #Codependent Recovery (#CodieRecovery👈).

Someone (sorry I cannot remember who) characterized her as being 'Fight or Flight' and they're right. I'm gonna also go out on a limb and characterize her potential for a Freeze.

I was a Freezer.


Read 11 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
Savez-vous qu’en 1952, les #USA sortent un film pour enseigner aux enfants comment se protéger en cas d’attaque #nucléaire ?

C’est simple : plonger et se couvrir !

Mini thread sur l’incroyable « Duck & Cover » 🐢🤯


#nuclear #nuclearvintage
1/ Après les bombes atomiques larguées en 1945 sur Hiroshima et Nagasaki par les USA lors de la #WWII, l’URSS effectue son premier essai #nucléaire (RDS-1) le 29 août 1949 à Semipalatinsk. Le monde entre un peu plus dans la #guerre froide.
2/ Pour le gouvernement des USA, les citoyens américains doivent se préparer au pire. C’est dans cette période que naissent les exercices de crise #nucléaire (vidéo à New York en 1951) et que la construction de bunkers se développe.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
.@GayleKing found this video heartwarming. Perhaps it is. I for one, see it as a possibility that there have been white racist provocateurs in the #GeorgeFloydProtests
they are a noxious lot that @CBSNews hasn't examine sufficiently…
@szirinsky should take a look at all of this, too…
Read 10 tweets
May 20th 2020
Por repartir en papel este artículo de opinión en comisaría criticando determinados mandos policiales retrógrados, me veo obligado, tras desestimar la @policia mi recurso, a acudir a la vía jurisdiccional, en forma de contencioso.
Le dan la forma que quieren para silenciarnos.
Estoy comprobando en propia persona como los mecanismos internos de la DGP, supuestamente de defensa de los derechos de l@s policías, en realidad son una fachada, para siempre barrer para casa. Casi nunca (por no decir NUNCA) ven acoso y no entran en profundidad en los casos.
La vía jurisdiccional es lenta (la justicia si no es rápida no es justicia) y a eso se agarran porque enfrentarte a la maquinaria supone años, paciencia y generalmente no responden los responsables de las ignominiosas campañas de desprestigio y defenestración profesional.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 16th 2020
¿Cuántas veces has visto a #Ofelia en el #cine, en #televisión, en #fotografía? Me refiero a la Ofelia del #Hamlet de #Shakespeare, en concreto la versión pintada por #Millais!
Muchas más de las que pensáis, por ejemplo en Twink Peaks de David #Lynch.

Abro hilo #TwitterCultural
El director Lars #VonTrier se ha inspirado en la #Ofelia de #Shakespeare y en el cuadro #prerrafaelita de #Millais en varias ocasiones:
- Dogville 2003
- Anticristo 2009
- Melancolía 2011, en concreto en este film el paralelismo visual con el cuadro de #Millais es extraordinario!
¿Y si #Ofelia no es una mujer? La Ofelia de #Hamlet es una mujer enloquecida por una lucha interna entre el amor y la obediencia familiar/social en contra y muere/se suicida, "llevada por la corriente". Un #gay puede identificarse con ella, y Anthony #Gayton lo fotografió.
Read 7 tweets

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