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Jul 31st 2021
It's another #SaturdayMorningHustle first: Podcasting while on vacation. Taking time off might seem foreign to most Entrepreneurs (myself included) but there are plenty of reasons to take the occasional extended break.
Not only is a vacation good for your physical and mental health, but it's all the perfect way to clear your head, reduce your stress and remind yourself why you work so hard to begin with. Let's talk about it! #SaturdayMorningHustle
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Jul 10th 2021
We talk a lot on the #SaturdayMorningHustle Podcast about how to be successful, but today I'm talking about the quickest way you can screw everything up: Lack of attention to detail! Even when the big stuff is correct, the little things can unravel it all. Sad but true!
The worst part: These are the easiest things for you to control. That's what makes it frustrating for your consumer.

Try harder, care about the customer, have empathy and be a professional at all times. That's all anyone wants. Put yourself in their shoes. #SaturdayMorningHustle
#SaturdayMorningHustle It's easy if you try. Set and meet expectations. That's all you have to do. Failure in the details undermines that concept. So make details a priority. Here's how:
• Training
• Leadership
• Constructive criticism
• Educate, empower and engage your team
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Jun 19th 2021
#SaturdayMorningHustle Empathy Challenge: There's too much division because of unwillingness to meet in the middle or consider what the "other" person is saying & why. What we need is more empathy for each other. This applies to community, personal life & business relationships.
Disagreement is not an attack. Try listening, not just hearing and talking at each other. There’s too much arguing to overcome objections. Instead, we need more active listening to understand each other and expand our own perspectives. #SaturdayMorningHustle
We all have more in common than what’s different. The discussion is the point - listen, empathize and find commonality BEFORE trying to argue. Let's talk about it! #SaturdayMorningHustle
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May 29th 2021
#SaturdayMorningHustle I've had an unusual career path. When meeting new people, I'm often asked how I got into the profession I'm in, why I decided to start my own business (more than one) & how I knew that I would be great in a new career. The short answer is I didn't know....
#SaturdayMorningHustle I didn't know if I could be successful in different career fields or as an entrepreneur until I took the risk and put myself out there. Let's talk about the skills, attitudes and mindset for being able to see great rewards from taking risk....
taking risks, putting yourself forward in the best way and pursuing your passions.

It's Saturday, I'm in the office so it must be the #SaturdayMorningHustle
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May 22nd 2021
A true #SaturdayMorningHustle key to success is not just focusing on the big items, but the small stuff too. Committing to making every aspect of a business process the best it can be is essential to earning and keeping great clients/customers.
Attention to detail (or lack of) will show how serious you take your business, your audience and the process. Don't mess everything up at the point of conversion by letting those small efforts, small cost details slide. Pay attention and show you care. #SaturdayMorningHustle
It's Saturday, I'm in the office so it must be the #SaturdayMorningHustle. Listen to the podcast while your competition is still sleeping.
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May 15th 2021
#SaturdayMorningHustle Podcast: Managing Mask - Balancing Audience and Employee Needs. CDC mask mandates have ended. What does this mean for your business and/or for you as a consumer?
How your business moves forward is NOT based on what you (business owner / decision-maker) want to do, it's about balancing potential and opportunity. Your customer gets to decide (potential income) with input from your employees (opportunity to provide). #SaturdayMorningHustle
Let's talk about it. It's Saturday, I'm in the office so it must be the #SaturdayMorningHustle. Listen to this podcast while your competition is still sleeping. Listen, Stream or Subscribe
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May 8th 2021
A continuation of the conversation started on the latest #SaturdayMorningHustle "Professional Balance" bonus content episode last week, today I'm talking all about keeping control of your self-worth and value as a human while navigating the negativity that surrounds us all.
Let's talk about how to utilize patience and determination to skip over the small, day-to-day issues in your career or business development and staying focused on the big goals in your life. #SaturdayMorningHustle #Podcast
It's Saturday, I'm in the office so it must be the #SaturdayMorningHustle. Listen to this podcast while your competition is still sleeping.
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May 1st 2021
#SaturdayMorningHustle Sometimes you need to do something different. Change things up, end predictable routines and challenge yourself, your team or your business model. Experimentation (via the 80/20 rule) and pattern interrupt are great ways to make sure you, your team...
or your organization isn't sleepwalking through your most important processes. The reset has so many advantages. Get out of your comfort zone. Let's talk about it.⠀

It's Saturday, I'm in the office so it must be the #SaturdayMorningHustle​.
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Apr 17th 2021
A productive thing you can do is take a break, get off the roller coaster and refocus on the important stuff like your "Why" plus proper motivation, having systems in place and understanding what success is and what you will do with it once you earn it. #SaturdayMorningHustle
Otherwise, you're not being effective, you're just busy. Let's talk about it.

It's Saturday, I'm in the office so it must be the #SaturdayMorningHustle. Listen to this podcast while your competition is still sleeping.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 6th 2021
COVID-19 Tough (but helpful) Love For Business Owners on the #SaturdayMorningHustle podcast. Sorry, but not sorry. I'm bringing some tough love today to all you business owners. But, I'm also going to give you suggestions and resources for solving the problem.
#COVID19 has been impacting businesses for a year now. At first, your audience (and the public in general) was very understanding of the changes and limitations on business as usual. But the grace period is over. COVID-19 is here and not going away soon without lasting effects.
It's time to completely update business practices to reflect reality and prove to your audience how serious you take their business, safety and ongoing relationship. It's time to stop half-assing your response and invest in change. Not sure how/where to start? Listen to find out.
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Jan 16th 2021
Want to know how the #SaturdayMorningHustle evolved from simple social media posts in April of 2016 to the brand, video channel and podcast it is today? How does a simple idea become a product, business or other viable assets?
What can you learn from the #SaturdayMorningHustle for building your self-brand, startup or career? I'm going to tell you right now.
On this ep, I break down the path to success for the #SaturdayMorningHustle + give you tips, tactics & action items for building your own brand starting with attention, audience & authenticity followed by consistency, continual development & providing the public what they want...
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