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Dec 26th 2020
Merry Christmas!!! #Trumpwon #Godwins #Christmas #fulldisclosure #greatawakening Image
This is history repeating itself. ET's have a nickname for our planet: "The Slave Planet". The same sadistic wealthiest groups of people are trying to control the population by enslaving them through systems: financial, Healthcare (sickcare), pharmaceuticals, education, debt...
Suppressing knowledge such as the full table of elements, ETs & IDs, dimensions, our etheric body, the quantum realm, advanced ET technology that can cure any disease or ailment, for quantum travel and to provide zero-point free unlimited energy, our true history, staged events..
Read 14 tweets
Dec 14th 2020
This is the GMT perfect moment of the #GreatConjunction

Several things are going on that indicate to me this is the exact moment we move into #AgeOfAquarius from the age of #pisces

1. Moon conjunct modern ruler ♓ blocking #neptune

#astrology #prophecy
2. The Great conjunction or #jupitersaturnconjunction is not quite perfected at 0° #Aquarius which is about to complete in a few hours from that moment specifically on the #WinterSolstice

3. The world has been looking up at the sky. Our shared subconscious is waking us up.
4. The #MOON is our chart ruler at this exact moment. She is blocking the illusionary nature of neptune

5. The #northnode (souls journey indicating the collective #consciousness at this moment) is transitioning from the 11th house of society into the 12th of #spirituality
Read 7 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
What is Christ Consciousness?
This term means different things to different people. Oftentimes, when individuals hear the terms "Christ" or "Jesus," immediately they may fall into preconceived notions based upon their upbringing or particular religious background. Image
What if we didn’t consider the term based on religious programming? What if we zoomed out and looked at it from a broader point of view? Consider this for a moment, that it could be the ultimate revelation of enlightenment; the revelation of a spiritual divine source that you are
not lesser than but equal to. You being the walking manifestation of the divine and the divine lives through you and your experiences.
However, regardless of religious teachings there is one fundamental fact beyond the terminology.
Read 10 tweets

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