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Most recents (4)

Jul 31st 2020
1/5 Living with #COVID19 has been very difficult in so many ways, but we can take these lemons and make lemonade by deciding to nurture and amplify the good that has come with the bad. #AttitudeofGratitude #COVIDCoping
2/5 Keeping our social circle small is an opportunity to deepen and enrich connections within our social bubble – these are our #COVID19 peops’ –cherish them, we will remember these days and the memories we make for a lifetime.
3/5 At the same time, networking virtually during #COVID19 has given us an unprecedented opportunity to expand our social circles as we take advantage of virtual book clubs and trivia nights!
Read 5 tweets
Jul 31st 2020
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: This #COVIDSummer the virus is still with us, ready to spread its unintended consequences as it gate-crashes our well-intended social gatherings to potentially affect our family and community.
2/3 So this #longweekend, plan to keep it small, and don’t let your guard down - avoid higher-risk activities and use #publichealth practices to prevent spreading the virus.
3/3 Look for my statements over the weekend to keep up-to-date on the latest numbers and find links to information and resources on #COVID19 exposure risks and precautions we can all take to prevent exposure and #StoptheSpread.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Monday statement you can read in full here:…
2/4 My weekend reflection was on challenges we are facing in learning to live with #COVID19. To keep ourselves, our families and our communities safer, we need to approach to everyday living by making informed choices. #COVIDfatigue
3/4 This #COVIDSummer larger gatherings and interacting with more people ↑↑ risk for exposure/spread of the virus. #YourActionsSavesLives! Keep to activities with members of our household or a small, consistent social bubble.
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Jul 22nd 2020
1/4 Decisions this #COVIDSummer can be difficult. Some simple rules can help: whether considering patio time, BBQs, or picnics, OUTDOOR gathering is better than indoors, FEWER PEOPLE/limited small social bubbles are best. More info:…
2/4 Camping, swimming and field/beach sports can be great outdoor activities too, but we need to be mindful of #COVID19 exposure risks in crowded areas or shared facilities, like change rooms, rest rooms and canteens. #COVIDSummer2020
3/4 Indoors/outdoors, when stepping out of your social bubble, use precautions like #CleanYourHands with @GovCanHealth approved hand sanitizer or #Handwashing + #PhysicalDistancing or wear a non-medical mask or face covering.…
Read 4 tweets

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