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Sep 16th 2020
1/6 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Wednesday statement on the importance of getting testing if you have symptoms/exposure history. See the full statement here:…
2/6 Over six million Canadians have been tested for #COVID19 over the past several months, with over 300,000 people currently being tested each week across 🇨🇦. Thank you to all Canadians who made the decision to get tested.
3/6 Getting tested is one of the most important measures we can take if we have symptoms, or think we’ve been exposed to someone with #COVID19. Online COVID-19 self-assessment tools can help you decide whether & how to get tested.
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Sep 10th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Thursday statement to mark World #SuicidePrevention Day. Read the statement here:…
2/4 Since the start of the pandemic, Canadians have pulled together in countless ways to reduce the spread of #COVID19. We have found innovative ways to support one another while remaining #TogetherApart. #COVIDCoping
3/4 #COVID19 has changed our daily lives and Canadians are reporting ↑ mental health needs. Now more than ever, reach out to friends, family and neighbours. A text, email, letter or call can be a lifeline to someone who is struggling.
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Sep 8th 2020
1/3 #Parents, caregivers & guardians: you are doing your very best and there is no “one-size fits all” approach to a child’s learning. #COVIDCoping
2/3 To all of us: #OneGoodThing like kind words, encouragement, and letting a parent in your life know that you are there for them can make a huge difference.
3/3 There are also mental health resources for parents and children on and there are other mental health resources including @KidsHelpPhone, @FamiliesCanada, and @CrisisCanada that provide invaluable support. #TakeThatStep
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Aug 7th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: with September fast approaching, school reopenings are top of mind; Jurisdictions have unveiled plans and families are having important conversations to decide what works best for their unique needs.
2/5 This can feel stressful with so many factors to consider. Each parent or guardian is making back to school plans to best suit the needs of their family. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. #COVIDCoping
3/5 Canadians have made many sacrifices during #COVID19 to maintain the well-being of their families. Parents, guardians, students, and teachers alike have been anxious to know the “back to school” plans for this year.
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Aug 6th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Thursday statement you can read in full here:…
2/4 These past months, we have taken concerted action to bring #COVID19 under manageable control. This has brought us time for research and #science to accelerate at an unprecedented pace to find safe and effective vaccines and treatments.
3/4 Now, as we learn to live with #COVID19, Canadians continue to rise to the challenge, adapting their daily routines to include important #PublicHealth practices from #PhysicalDistancing to wearing a mask or face covering.…
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Aug 4th 2020
1/6 The global trend of the pandemic is a daily reminder that #COVID19 is not going away any time soon. #Canada’s collective challenge is to persevere against this ongoing threat to our health and society. #COVIDFatigue #COVIDCoping
2/6 Canadians have made many sacrifices. I’m thankful to the great majority who continue to follow #publichealth practices, incl. wearing a non-medical mask/facial covering in indoor public spaces & when #PhysicalDistancing is difficult.
3/6 Dealing with the adaptations and uncertainties of an emerging disease event on this scale has been difficult, to say the least, but the stakes are high and we must take an approach informed by the best available #science and evidence.
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Jul 31st 2020
1/5 Living with #COVID19 has been very difficult in so many ways, but we can take these lemons and make lemonade by deciding to nurture and amplify the good that has come with the bad. #AttitudeofGratitude #COVIDCoping
2/5 Keeping our social circle small is an opportunity to deepen and enrich connections within our social bubble – these are our #COVID19 peops’ –cherish them, we will remember these days and the memories we make for a lifetime.
3/5 At the same time, networking virtually during #COVID19 has given us an unprecedented opportunity to expand our social circles as we take advantage of virtual book clubs and trivia nights!
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Jul 29th 2020
1/6 Layers of #publichealth precautions and #PhysicalDistancing can leave us all feeling a bit of #COVIDfatigue. For many, there are emotional and psychological implications to staying physically apart from others. #COVID19 #COVIDCoping
2/6 These emotional and psychological impacts can lead to feelings of loneliness and social isolation. There is support and help; #TakeThatStep for #COVIDCoping and remember, you can practice #PhysicalDistancing and still be social.
3/6 I urge everyone to continue reaching out by various means, including virtually and especially to support those living alone or away from family members or loved ones. #HelpOthers #OlderAdults
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Jun 17th 2020
1/6 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: today I’m highlighting #TakeThatStep @CdnTogether mental wellness initiative where people of ALL AGES can find mental wellness resources wherever you are in 🇨🇦, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
2/6 The ups & downs of living with #COVID19 can put our emotions on their own trajectory, from concern & cautious awareness to frustration & fatigue but also a sense of achievement #CrushtheCurve & hope. #COVIDCoping #WednesdayWellness
3/6 Given the level of uncertainty and changes in our lives over these past months, this range of emotions is to be expected. There have been losses that have caused grief and things we’ve prevailed against that give us hope. #TakeThatStep #MentalHealth
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Jun 16th 2020
1/8 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, I am taking a moment to reflect on the updated numbers. Although we read and post these numbers online everyday, we can’t forget that each case is a person, with family, friends & community.
2/8 All have confronted illness & uncertainty; some have endured painful separation during severe illness & hospitalisation and too many have suffered the unspeakable pain of a loved one lost to #COVID19. #COVIDloss #COVIDCoping
3/8 As I take a step back to reflect on the human stories behind the numbers today, I want acknowledge the lives lost and offer my deepest sympathy to those who continue to grieve their loss the deepest. #COVIDloss #ProtecttheVulnerable
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Jun 3rd 2020
1/10 As restrictions are relaxed, places are reopening & the weather warms, we should all be feeling better, right? Yet this is not necessarily the case for many of us. Some are still concerned esp. about risks of #COVID19 severe outcomes. #COVIDCoping
2/10 The reality is we have adapted staying at home into our daily routines over the weeks and months of the #COVID19 pandemic and it has now become our habit.
3/10 Some habits that we’ve developed during #COVID19, like more frequent #handwashing and spending more time with our families, can be good things that we’ll want to carry on with going forward. #COVIDCoping
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May 28th 2020
1/4 #StrongerTogether means engaging community organizations & all levels of government across 🇨🇦 to address the dual public health crises of #COVID19 & drug #overdose deaths. #HelpOthers #COVIDCoping
2/4 Harm reduction & treatment facilities are implementing infection controls and virtual & mobile services are being ramped up to serve people at a distance, among other health & social service sector interventions. #StrongerTogether #Overdose #HelpOthers #COVID19
3/4 e.g. BC’s Lifeguard App, is activated by a person before taking a drug. The App sounds an alarm within 50 seconds that grows louder. If not deactivated at 75 seconds, automatic text-to-voice alerts 9-1-1 of a potential drug #overdose.…
Read 4 tweets
May 28th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: I continue to be concerned about a range of negative unintended consequences of this crisis. Among these are the worsening of crises like #opioids & ↑challenges managing events like #heatwave.
2/4 To maintain #COVID19 control, it’s vital that we keep up public health measures like #PhysicalDistancing, while finding innovative solutions and providing community & individual supports for those who need it most. #HelpOthers #COVIDCoping
3/4 #PublicHealth, community organisations, #volunteers & individuals have developed solutions and supports - all these efforts are needed! Working #StrongerTogether is how we make sure #WeWillGetThroughThis #cavabienaller
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May 27th 2020
1/4 #Heatwave in ON/QC: ⚠️of health risks posed by extreme heat, esp. for older adults, infants & young children, people w\ chronic illnesses & people who work in the heat, are in low-income households or experiencing homelessness.
2/4 I am very concerned about seniors who have already faced devastating outcomes from #COVID19. Extreme heat can worsen pre-existing conditions & breathing difficulties, esp. as some #OlderAdults may not have access to air conditioning.
3/4 #HelpOthers by checking in on older members of your family & community to make sure they are ok—whether they live in a long-term care home or on their own. Let’s ensure that those most vulnerable to extreme heat get some relief. #heatwave & #COVID19
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May 23rd 2020
1/5 Getting outside is important for our physical & #MentalHealth during #COVID19. Go OUT SMART by #PhysicalDistancing #Handwashing #CleanYourHands #CoughEtiquette #StayHomeIfSick #COVIDCoping
2/5 Going OUT SMART also means KNOWING WHEN TO STAY IN!! Going out is NOT okay when you are sick, even if you are experiencing only mild symptoms of #COVID19. #StayHomeIfSick is a MUST DO. #ProtecttheVulnerable #StayHomeSavesLives.
3/5 As #COVID19 ↓ and reopening ↑, keeping 2-metre #PhysicalDistancing is a must, OUTSIDE spaces ARE BETTER than inside, SMALL BUBBLES of core contacts ARE BETTER than big, #Handwashing & #CoughEtiquette are needed always & everywhere!
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May 21st 2020
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: As things are beginning to reopen, we may be encountering a bit of #quarantinefatigue, wanting to get out but at the same time, feeling trepidation about how to keep safe? #COVIDCoping
2/3 These are valid concerns, #COVID19 has not gone away and our struggle is not over. So we need to talk about the practices that will allow us to go out smart and stay safe. #COVIDCoping
3/3 There are still uncertainties and lots more to learn about #COVID19, but there are things we know will keep us safe, including that we need to proceed with caution. #PhysicalDistancing #HandWashing #CoughEtiquette #StayHomeIfSick
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May 19th 2020
1/4 My reflection this past weekend was on the strength of Canadians. Thinking about how much we’ve all been through this winter, I am heartened by the resilience of Canadians as a collective. #COVIDCoping
2/4 This is not to minimize what we’ve been through or the difficult path of #COVID19 that still lies ahead, it is just a feeling of confidence that we’ve got what it takes because of the unity and caring that I have witnessed.
3/4 Throughout, I have seen the sacrifices Canadians have made to protect our health system and prevent even more #COVID19 illness and tragedy from befalling us.
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May 13th 2020
1/6 As we consider the broader impacts of #COVID19 on the health of Canadians, I am reminding everyone that it is vital to maintain health visits for you and your family. #ChronicDiseases #Vaccines #MentalHealth
2/6 This includes keeping health visits for everything from prevention & #vaccines, to #MentalHealth & chronic disease management and not delaying for immediate attention for life-threatening health & mental health concerns. #COVIDCoping
3/6 Delays in seeking urgent care for life-threatening illness like heart attack & stroke can result in immediate ↑ in death rates. Delays in chronic disease management like #diabetes care can ↑ illness & death rates down the line.
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May 7th 2020
1/5 Today, as part of #MentalHealthWeek, the focus is on children and youth who, like adults, have lots of questions about #COVID19, and are missing their friends, family members and regular routines #CYMH #ApartNotAlone #COVIDCoping
2/5 Parents & caregivers can find tips on communicating & sharing information on #COVID19 with kids and teens and how to calm fears, practise online safety and engage in activities that nurture mental & emotional health.… #CYMH
3/5 Talking things out can help to process our thoughts and lift the weight of our emotions. When you start the conversation and share your own thoughts & feelings, it helps children & youth to open up and voice their own struggles. #StrongerTogether #GetReal
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May 6th 2020
1/7 This year’s #MentalHealthWeek continues through to Sunday, May 10th, with #MentalHealth taking on a special meaning in light of the additional stress and uncertainty we are all experiencing due to #COVID19.
2/7 People have been struggling with concerns of all manner & scope during these long weeks of #COVID19. This #MentalHealthWeek’s focus on social connection reminds us it is a very important time to stay connected. #ApartNotAlone
3/7 Canadians have shown resilience, finding creative ways to remain connected virtually, staying connected with family, friends & communities, even during holidays & important religious observances. #COVIDCoping #StrongerTogether
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May 5th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: As we move into social & economic recovery, there will be challenges and bumps in the road but let’s not forget we are #ApartNotAlone and there is help. #MentalHealthWeek #COVIDCoping
2/4 It’s #MentalHealthWeek and we can all use some good news. Today I’m sharing the good news stat that over 26,000 or 43% of all confirmed #COVID19 cases in Canada are now recovered from their illness! I wish them all good health!
3/4 We must continue to make our way carefully down the curve, remembering that the many of the #PublicHealth measures that helped us #PlanktheCurve will continue to serve us well as we work to #CrushtheCurve.
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May 4th 2020
1/8 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: despite a jump ↑ in the daily case count, with Quebec reporting >1,300 back-dated cases, our current case doubling time is 20 days, slowed from 3-5 day doubling early on in the epidemic.
2/8 As we inch closer to social & economic reopening, many people are feeling a range of emotions from excited anticipation to nervous apprehension. Mixed feelings are understandable, given uncertainties that lay ahead. #COVIDCoping
3/8 Our collective efforts have slowed the growth of #COVID19 overall. In some places, the epidemic has been brought under good control & the time is right for a cautious reopening. #publichealth
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May 1st 2020
1/4#COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: As the weeks of #StayAtHome continue, Canada’s #physicians thank Canadians for their efforts but want to remind all Canadians to NOT stop doing what is vital to maintain health.
2/4 🇨🇦’s #physicians couldn’t be prouder at how Canadians have taken on #publichealth advice, while adding a dash of creativity and vigour, while keeping #StrongerTogether with music, humour & the magic of kindness. #KindnessMatters #TeamCanada
3/4 Even w\ #COVID19, #healthcareheroes are there to address your health issues. Virtual appointments may be possible & a whole range of precautions are in place to prevent spread of COVID-19 in healthcare settings.
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May 1st 2020
1/9 As we descend the #COVID19 epidemic curve together, I am encouraged by the patience, cooperation and kindness of Canadians who are making the path easier for all. In this thread, I’m sharing a few examples from #TeamCanada. 🇨🇦#KeepItUp
2/9 These inspiring examples of Canadians who are joining the call for #Volunteers, are just what we need to raise our spirits and keep us going. #TogetherApart #COVIDCoping #AttitudeofGratitude #KindnessMatters
3/9 Some great Canadians are helping to get needed supplies to the front lines, while others are joining the front lines themselves, where possible, to help those in need. #TeamCanada #ProtecttheVulnerable #HealthcareHeroes
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