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May 29th 2022
7 things which really helped me in changing my #life altogether for GOOD!!

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#healthy #HealthForAll #health #HealthyEating #wealth #finance #personalgrowth #investing #Investment #lifestyle

Spending less than u earn..

This is simple but yet a POWERFUL statement to stick in ur mind.
It helps u to stay with no #debt and be in #debtfreecommunity which brings immense peace and can focus on ur #happiness rather than earning mindlessly to clear ur debt.
Thread (2/7)

Investing every month.

Keep #investing a small amount of ur earnings - expenses in a medium which can beat #inflation.

@RichifyMeClub is a great person to promote this a lot.. ❤️
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Oct 9th 2020
Sometimes we wonder why abundance doesn’t flow into our life? It is mainly because we have no faith or belief, or its our own mindset and attitude! The more that people expect free stuff, the less abundance flows into their life.
Change your mentality and attitude and experience the abundance that flows into an open heart!
When we constantly bargain, complain, feel entitled, or chase free stuff, we block abundance! Live with an attitude of abundance and not lack! An abundant attitude will attract abundance and an attitude of lack will attract lack.
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Jul 31st 2020
1/5 Living with #COVID19 has been very difficult in so many ways, but we can take these lemons and make lemonade by deciding to nurture and amplify the good that has come with the bad. #AttitudeofGratitude #COVIDCoping
2/5 Keeping our social circle small is an opportunity to deepen and enrich connections within our social bubble – these are our #COVID19 peops’ –cherish them, we will remember these days and the memories we make for a lifetime.
3/5 At the same time, networking virtually during #COVID19 has given us an unprecedented opportunity to expand our social circles as we take advantage of virtual book clubs and trivia nights!
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May 1st 2020
1/9 As we descend the #COVID19 epidemic curve together, I am encouraged by the patience, cooperation and kindness of Canadians who are making the path easier for all. In this thread, I’m sharing a few examples from #TeamCanada. 🇨🇦#KeepItUp
2/9 These inspiring examples of Canadians who are joining the call for #Volunteers, are just what we need to raise our spirits and keep us going. #TogetherApart #COVIDCoping #AttitudeofGratitude #KindnessMatters
3/9 Some great Canadians are helping to get needed supplies to the front lines, while others are joining the front lines themselves, where possible, to help those in need. #TeamCanada #ProtecttheVulnerable #HealthcareHeroes
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Apr 20th 2020
1/10 People, thoughts and feelings are important right now, because each of us, alone & collectively, are what will determine when and how we emerge from this crisis. To end #COVID19 all Canadians are on the frontline. #TogetherApart #DoYourPart
2/10 Nothing less than the continued sacrifice of every Canadian, staying at home as much as possible and practicing #physicaldistancing, is what it will take to stop the spread of this virus. Its not over till its over. #COVID19 #PlankTheCurve
3/10 #StayHome is urgently needed to save lives, #ProtecttheVulnerable as well as to buy more time for research & development of diagnostics, vaccines, & treatments to protect 🇨🇦s health system & the health of all Canadians. #COVID19 #Innovation
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Apr 14th 2020
1/5 These times have been challenging for all, but they can be especially hard for kids. Daily routines have been turned upside down and things kids have been most looking forward to have been cancelled.
#COVID19 #COVIDCoping #StayAtHome
2/5 As for us - it is for them, silence & secrets do not protect children, but honesty & openness do. There are things we can do to help build resilience, like talking to kids & reassuring them that they are safe. #WeWillGetThroughThis #cavabienaller #COVID19
3/5 Open discussion helps kids to sort fact from fiction, to look for ways of having some control, and to be mindful of their media consumption.
#COVID19 #COVIDCoping #WeWillGetThroughThis #cavabienaller
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Apr 11th 2020
1/6 In the midst of #COVID19 hardship, Canadians are showing there is a lot to be thankful for. Being behind other country trajectories in the pandemic, gave 🇨🇦 the chance to implement measures & #SlowtheSpread earlier. #PlanktheCurve
2/6 Time may seem like it’s been standing still but we’ve achieved a great deal #TogetherApart these past weeks. We’ve held our own through progression of the #COVID19 epidemic, helped Canadians get home & our health system cope. #PlanktheCurve
3/6 These have been no small achievements. Thanks to all #HealthCareHeros, #publichealth, #ThankATrucker, and all Canadians #TeamCanada #COVID19
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