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Jan 8th 2022
I lead the #SIRENStudy and have been studying the impact of prior infection with COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations on immunity for more than 18 months. We have published multiple studies with collaborators. The most recent preprint is available here… 1/6
In this pre-print, which is under peer review, we demonstrate that 2 doses of vaccination on top of prior of infection, significantly reduces both asymptomatic & symptomatic infection compared to infection alone - Table 3 - the longer since primary infection the more effect 2/6
This is on top of the evidence provided in the original paper showing immunity 81-87% immunity with the original strains and early alpha period.... but just as immunity wanes from vaccines so it does from primary infection. 3/6
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Sep 18th 2020
🌄Good evening everyone!

Welcome to In Conversation with 𝐃𝐫 𝐑 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦, Former Principal Scientific Adviser to Govt. of India, Chairman AEC & Secretary @DAEIndia👥

🗣️Please post your recommendations, comments with #ChatwithRChidambaram
👸👸This live-tweet thread is curated by @AnamZille & @Jengovz on behalf of @spf_in

🌸🌸Opening the session with a warm welcome by @ChagunBasha @DSTCPRIISc @PrinSciAdvGoI
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Apr 25th 2020
Tal día como hoy, en 1953, #Watson y #Crick publicaban el artículo en el que describían la estructura de la doble hélice de ADN basándose en análisis cristalográficos por rayos X de #RosalindFranklin.

#DíaDelADN #DNADay2020 #DNADayAEGH @AEGHgenetica ImageImageImage
Hoy en día, este hallazgo ha permitido el diagnóstico, seguimiento, prevención y predicción de muchas patologías de base genética.
(Fotos: artículo original publicado en @nature, su laboratorio en @Cambridge_Uni, plantilla de aluminio que representa la base timina (T) parte de la maqueta de la molécula de ADN construida por Crick y Watson)
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