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Apr 28th 2023
This week, researchers Matthew Cobb and Nathaniel Comfort claimed new 'evidence' shows Rosalind Franklin was an equal collaborator in the double helix and that she was comfortable with her data being shared with Nobel winners James Watson and Francis Crick.
The researchers cited a letter from a student in Franklin's lab that a supposedly invited Francis Crick to her lecture, citing it as 'evidence' that she was aware and indeed ‘relaxed’ about her data being used by competing laboratories.
In fact, this letter when taken in its proper context shows the very opposite. Another letter dated c. (23) January 1953 from Franklin's colleague Maurice Wilkins shows the invitation was made in error and that the meeting was always intended to be internal.
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Mar 2nd 2023
1/12 I can’t let this go. Last week “All Things Considered” aired a segment on the structure of DNA that named only Watson and Crick. When people squawked they issued a “correction” (… ).
@npratc @ailsachang @NPRKelly @arishapiro @jmsummers @nccomfort
2/12 But I remain neither moved nor impressed. Instead I continue to feel rage and pain over the incident. Why? It all goes back to the 1968 publication of Watson’s “The Double Helix”, @npratc @ailsachang @NPRKelly @arishapiro @jmsummers @nccomfort
3/12 in which Watson painted a self-aggrandizing self-portrait and a hideous picture of the practice of science. He also assassinated Rosalind Franklin, possibly to cover the fact that he used her work without her @npratc @ailsachang @NPRKelly @arishapiro @jmsummers @nccomfort
Read 12 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
For the year 2022, I aim to read one research (/review) article per day, every day. This thread will summarise the essence of the paper. While oncology is my field of interest, I will also explore papers from other domains and classics, of course. Bon voyage.📋 #APaperADay
Day 1 of #APaperADay challenge. I read this classic piece of Dr Barbara McClintock where she described the transposons. It was a seminal discovery breaking the age-old concept of the linear arrangement of genes like beads on a string.…
She described such mobile elements, Ac (Activator) and Ds (Dissociation) loci, in maize. These loci change their position which would reversibly alter the gene expression once inserted in the chromosomes. The removal would restore the gene function. #APaperADay
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Apr 25th 2021
அறிவியல் ஆராய்ச்சியில் மிகப்பெரிய மாற்றத்தை உருவாக்கிய படம். இன்று நாம் உயிரியலில் உச்சத்தை அடைந்திருப்பதற்க்கு மிகப்பெரிய அடித்தளம் அமைத்து கொடுத்தது என்றால் மிகையாகாது.
இன்று #WorldDNADay (1) Image
பெருந்தொற்றின் ஊடாக நாம் கடந்து சென்று கொண்டிருக்கிறோம். இன்றைய நாளில் நாம் கொண்டாட வேண்டியது அறிவியல் ஆரய்ச்சியாளர்களையும், மருத்துவ பணியாளர்களையும் மட்டுமே. அவர்கள் இல்லையென்றால் மனித குலம் என்றோ நீர்த்து போயிருக்கும். (2)
DNA என்றவுடன் நமக்கெல்லாம் நினைவில் வரும் பெயர்கள் வாட்சன் மற்றும் கிரிக் (Watson & Crick). இவர்கள் தான் DNA வின் கட்டமைப்பை விளக்கியவர்கள் என்று நாம் எல்லோரும் படித்திருக்கிறோம். ஆனால் இவர்களுக்கு முன்னதாகவே ஒரு பெண்மணி DNA வின் கட்டமைப்பை ஆராய்ந்து கொண்டிருந்தார் (3)
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Dec 3rd 2020
[A découvrir] Les lois de #Mendel via @Unisciel #LaMethSci
[#Cours] Les débuts de la #génétique : les travaux de #Mendel via @Vallee_duCailly #LaMethSci
[#Podcast] 2017 > #Epigénétique : quand le pouvoir des gènes atteint ses limites un #LaMethSci à (ré)écouter via @franceculture !
Read 24 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
Hoy en el aniversario de los 100 años del nacimiento de #RosalindFranklin, les queremos platicar del “efecto Matilda”
Abrimos el genetic string: 🧬🧵

A lo largo de la historia muchas científicas han visto cómo sus trabajos se atribuían a hombres o eran invisibilizadas en los grandes descubrimientos
El nombre de este efecto tiene su origen en el “efecto Mateo”, que recibe su nombre por el apóstol en cuyo Evangelio aparece la parábola de los talentos:
Read 18 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
DNA'nın yapısı ilk defa 67 yıl önce bugün yayınlandı ve İnsan Genom Projesi'nin tamamlanmasından bu yana 17 yıl geçti.
Günümüzde hâlâ yaşamın sırrını anlamak için çalışıyoruz!
DNA X-Ray görüntüsünün gizli kahramanı #RosalindFranklin'i unutmuyoruz.
25 Nisan #DNAGünü kutlu olsun!🧬
Rosalind Franklin kimdir?
Rosalind Franklin, 1920’de Londra’da doğdu. Cambridge Üniversitesi’nden fizikokimya dalında doktora derecesi aldı. Paris’te Kimya Hizmetleri Merkez Laboratuvarı’nda X-ışınları görüntüleme teknikleri üzerinde uzmanlık elde etti.
Daha sonra Londra’ya döndü ve King’s College’deki laboratuvarda DNA yapısını araştırmakla görevlendirildi. Bu laboratuvarda Maurice Wilkins ile birlikte çalışıyordu.
Rosalind Franklin, titiz çalışmalarıyla kısa sürede tanındı.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
Tal día como hoy, en 1953, #Watson y #Crick publicaban el artículo en el que describían la estructura de la doble hélice de ADN basándose en análisis cristalográficos por rayos X de #RosalindFranklin.

#DíaDelADN #DNADay2020 #DNADayAEGH @AEGHgenetica ImageImageImage
Hoy en día, este hallazgo ha permitido el diagnóstico, seguimiento, prevención y predicción de muchas patologías de base genética.
(Fotos: artículo original publicado en @nature, su laboratorio en @Cambridge_Uni, plantilla de aluminio que representa la base timina (T) parte de la maqueta de la molécula de ADN construida por Crick y Watson)
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Jan 1st 2020
The new year begins and I usher into a scientific journey where I shall be challenging myself with scientific quest and reviewing a scientific article/blog/interview/technique or facts on a daily basis. (or at least try😉) #365DaysOfScience
Let the journey begin.
The most cited article (over 300,000 times) is the @jbiolchem paper for a technique to estimate protein concentration in a solution. The paper is "Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent".
Image: @nature Image
Yes, the classic Lowry's method was published in May 1951. This is a colourimetric assay which gives an estimation of the amount of protein based on a standard curve obtained from a protein of known concentration (usually BSA).
Read 833 tweets
Nov 27th 2019
No they won't, yes they will. The UK was heading for a car crash at the @esa ministerial, with doubts in the last few days that it would turn up with the expected uplift in its subscription. Normal service looks to have been resumed. #Space19Plus…
Attention now turns to where the cash from Britain and the other big member states goes. A major battleground will be the €1.4bn #Copernicus package. How hard will the UK commit? EO really important to Germany here; it'll be going in very hard, as you would expect. #Space19Plus
#Copernicus at #Space19plus is a one-card trick with the card placed face-upwards. It's really difficult to get it wrong. A large R&D commitment now will unlock chunky contracts down the road - but only if you're *in* Copernicus. How big a problem is that for the UK? #Brexit
Read 79 tweets
Aug 27th 2019
Behold! The finished #RosalindFranklin rover. A nine-month assembly but more than a decade of development by teams across Europe @esa, Russia @roscosmos and the USA @NASA as part of the @ESA_ExoMars project.… Great photo @MaxA_Photo! Image
#RosalindFranklin is being bagged and boxed for shipment from Stevenage, UK, to Toulouse, France. Acoustic and thermal vacuum testing awaits. The rover has three outstanding items: its radioisotope heaters. Insertion will be just prior to launch next year. Photo by @MaxA_Photo Image
Meanwhile, in Turin today the cruise spacecraft and the descent module should be being combined for the first time at @Thales_Alenia_S. Once testing is complete, all elements go to another TAS facility in Cannes for a final fit-check before despatch to Baikonur. Image
Read 13 tweets

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