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Aug 31st 2020
There’s so much fresh hell going on I didn’t hear what that sheriff said until now.

That sheriff wants to warehouse black men. He wants a generation to die out in those warehouses.

That is what Hitler thought, too. #VoteBlue PLEASE!
#DavidBeth said this publicly because he knows that there are many—including the “president”—who feel the same way. This tells me that he’s talked about this idea with people & they said nothing to dissuade him. He thinks he’s cracked the code & genocide is the answer.
This was said in America in 2020.

When I beg you all to register and #vote it’s because Sheriffs are usually elected. Many in law enforcement are.

Judges are elected, too.

A judge would sentence these black men to those warehouse concentration camps for them to die.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
In 2018, Sheriff #DavidBeth went on a bizarre eugenics rant, claiming that the police’s job should be to stop “these males” from “getting ten other women pregnant & having small children.”
by @AlanRMacLeod #kenoshaprotest #Kenosha #KenoshaRiots #JacobBlake
Being in the midst a summer of unprecedented racial and political unrest was apparently not enough to stop Kenosha police from emptying seven rounds into the back of yet another unarmed black man.
by @AlanRMacLeod…
Read 4 tweets

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