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Feb 1st 2023
VICTORY: In a momentous win for the family of Anthony Huber—one of two men killed by Kyle Rittenhouse—a federal judge today rejected arguments from Defendants—including Kyle #Rittenhouse and the City and County of #Kenosha—moving the case closer to a jury trial. Thread:
Today, a federal judge ruled in favor Anthony Huber’s family in a civil rights lawsuit against the City of Kenosha and Kenosha police officers that seeks to hold the law-enforcement officers responsible for their role in the events leading to Anthony Huber’s death.
In August 2021, Anthony Huber's family filed a constitutional civil rights lawsuit in federal court against the Kenosha Police for their role in Rittenhouse’s deadly rampage that left the Hubers’ son, Anthony, dead. Kenosha Police took sides during the peaceful protest...
Read 13 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
THE ROCK has 4 Diamonds
What are they & why is this relevant? #
All for A Buck
Replica Diamonds
My first year at THE ROCK, I played for the BACK SOX …


Read 11 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
Breaking: Around 100 #antifa members in black bloc gathered in front of the Justice Center in downtown Portland to smash property & attack police. A riot has been declared.
Antifa destroyed property in downtown Portland to oppose the Kyle #Rittenhouse verdict, they say. Earlier in the day, violent Portland #antifa member Alexander Gorman Dial was given no jail time at his sentencing.
.@PortlandPolice appear to retreat as violent #antifa members in Portland threaten them. The antifa gathered in black bloc in downtown to destroy property to oppose #Rittenhouse verdict.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
Today, a jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse for the murders of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum and the attempted murder of Gaige Grosskreutz.

SPLC President and CEO @MargaretLHuang issued the following in response to the lack of justice:…
“Our hearts are with the victims in this case – the individuals killed & wounded by Kyle Rittenhouse as well as the families & community torn apart by the consequences of this deadly violence.
The acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse will add fuel to the fire of armed radicalization in America.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
Left-wing accounts are furious and are inciting mass violence on Twitter after Kyle #Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all the charges. #Kenosha
More accounts inciting violence and criminality in response to the Kyle #Rittenhouse ruling. #Kenosha
“America gonna burn tonight”
#Rittenhouse #Kenosha
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
Good morning from #Kenosha!

It's day 15 of the #RittenhouseTrial, and the 4th day of jury deliberations.

I'm in the courtroom today. Judge Schroeder has more unrelated cases -- and it appears jurors may have gone right into deliberation as they have the last few days.
Confirmed with a bailiff, jurors have gone straight to deliberations. #KyleRittenhouse
Yesterday, we didn't hear from jurors at all until the end of the day when the judge asked if anyone had questions when they were being dismissed.

One of the women on the jury asked if she could take a copy of jury instructions home, which Schroeder allowed.
Read 23 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
An armed person dressed in black with face covered was arrested outside the #Kenosha courthouse. Videographer @FordFischer says the arrestee had a knife. #Rittenhouse
More video of the detainment and arrest of armed masked person by videographer @BGOnTheScene, who was in #Kenosha last year capturing some of the most important videos that corporate mainstream press didn’t bother to document.
Breaking: The masked man in black bloc who was arrested while allegedly carrying a knife and gun outside the #Kenosha courthouse is Jonathan David Clark. He crossed multiple state lines to get to the direct action. #Rittenhouse
Read 3 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
This guy, apparently a former Ferguson cop (many people said this and he seemed to verbally confirm it), has been walking around outside #Kenosha courthouse with a Colt rifle bag, after yesterday showing up at the courthouse with a rifle that he was asked to put away.
After the man who showed up with a rifle bag outside the #Kenosha courthouse was confronted about the bag, he finally opened it.

Rather than his rifle from yesterday, he pulled out a black rubber sex toy.

He apparently was trying to appear armed to plan that gag.
To be clear, this is what he looked like yesterday before police made him put away his actual gun.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
Good morning from #Kenosha

It is the 14th day of the #RittenhouseTrial … and the third day for jury deliberations

The front steps of the courthouse are empty for now.
Per @mtarm with the AP, a court official said the jurors have begun deliberations for the day.

They were behind closed doors for nearly 9 hours Monday (with a lunch break) and nearly 8 hours yesterday. #RittenhouseTrial
Yesterday -- jurors asked to see several videos in evidence, including drone video that has now become part of two motions for a mistrial.

The #Rittenhouse defense said it didn't know it had a lesser quality version until last Friday.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
Man wearing a “F— Kyle” shirt calls a woman a “cum dumpster” & hits her outside the #Kenosha courthouse. He then attacks another person & tries to cover his face and hits a photographer. #BLM #Rittenhouse. Video by @RebsBrannon:
Another angle of the violent #BLM protester outside the #Kenosha courthouse shows him getting arrested, along with another belligerent protester. #Rittenhouse
Video by @ScooterCasterNY:
Breaking: One of the violent anti-#Rittenhouse protesters arrested outside the #Kenosha courthouse is Anthony Angel Chacon. He was charged with battery, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct & bail jumping on both a felony & misdemeanor.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
Good morning from the #Kenosha County Courthouse.

I'm inside the courtroom as we wait the jurors to return to begin deliberations on the charges against #KyleRittenhouse

Yesterday, jurors were behind closed doors for nearly 9 hours, with a break for lunch.

The court reporter just informed us that the #RittenhouseTrial jury has started deliberating.

Judge Schroeder has an unrelated hearing right now -- which is why there is no activity in the courtroom.

I'm assuming they went into the deliberation room right around 9, then.
Nothing new to report here from Kenosha at 10:27 a.m.

Judge Bruce Schroeder walked in the main doors to his courtroom a little bit ago. He has an unrelated hearing in here in a few minutes.

We might get some sort of update then.
Read 79 tweets
Nov 15th 2021
The #Rittenhouse case goes to the jury today. It probably won't come back today; regardless, I just want to put some of my thoughts out there for the world today anyhow. A small thread.
2/ I did not watch every second of every day of the trial. But I tried to follow along with good reporters and smart commentators. Most of what I see is skepticism that Rittenhouse will spend even one more day in jail.
3/ We can argue--and people have!--about whether that is the fault of the ADA pushing back against pre-trial rulings, a possibly-racist judge who doesn't know how any technology newer than a slide rule works, the general zeitgeist, whatever.
Read 19 tweets
Nov 10th 2021
Good afternoon from #Kenosha.

This is the P.M. thread for the #RittenhouseTrial

Court is returning soon.

Before we is some video -- His mom appeared to mouth the words, "I love you, buddy."
#BREAKING: The Rittenhouse defense is motioning for a MISTRIAL with prejudice. #RittenhouseTrial
The defense is explaining why they're motioning for a mistrial.

It's all in connection to the line of Binger's questioning that Judge Schroeder said was an over reach regarding his right to silence before his trial.
Read 79 tweets
Nov 10th 2021
Good morning from #Kenosha!

It’s Day 8 of the #RittenhouseTrial
The defense is starting the day calling Jacob Marshall -- he was Gaige Grosskreutz' former roommate.

They were roommates for 3 months before the shooting in August.

This is Jacob Marshall
Read 125 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
Good morning from #Kenosha!

Today is day 7 of the #RittenhouseTrial.

Yesterday, we heard testimony from the man who survived being shot by Rittenhouse.

Today, we're expecting the state to rest its case.
Judge Schroeder said a lieutenant saw someone outside video recording the jury. The judge said the lieutenant told the man to delete the video, and the judge said the next time, he was instructed to take the phone from the person recording.
The judge was asked if that person has been in the courtroom observing the trial, and the judge said he is not sure.
Read 78 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
Extended thread, night of August 25th, 2020: Kyle Rittenhouse is seen waving to a passing Bearcat along Sheridan Road in Kenosha
An armed group stands outside Car Doctor in Kenosha, with Kyle near a burned-out vehicle in the lot
11 minutes before the first shots are fired, the crowd is being slowly moved south on Sheridan, after police had fired off teargas and other crowd control munitions in Civic Center Park
Read 11 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
Good afternoon from #Kenosha!

As I did last week, I will start a P.M. thread of the #RittenhouseTrial.

Gaige Grosskreutz is still on the stand in cross examination.
Jury is being called back to the courtroom now. Cross examination will resume momentarily.
Judge asks jury "How was the KFC?"

Fried chicken was the lunch today.
Read 54 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
The trial of accused teen shooter Kyle #Rittenhouse in #Kenosha, Wisc. has brought in a new round of gaslighting mainstream press coverage that obfuscates how violent the BLM-Antifa riots were there. Video by @Julio_Rosas11:
Flashback: BLM-Antifa rioters carried out large arson attacks in #Kenosha in August 2020. #Rittenhouse
Video by @DrewHLive:
Armed BLM rioters attacked & threatened to kill the group protecting a gasoline station as fires and violence engulfed #Kenosha, Wisc. in August 2020:
Read 15 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
Gaige Grosskreutz, the person armed w/a pistol who went after Rittenhouse & was shot in arm, says he’s a @ACLU legal observer. He has a long criminal history that includes a gun-related conviction. @DavidColeACLU, legal director, previously called for gun restrictions at protests
Gaige Grosskreutz, who was shot in the arm by #Rittenhouse, is asked if I he had a permit to carry the firearm he had when he rushed toward the teen. “I did,” he responds. He is asked if the permit was actually valid.

“It was not,” he answers. #Kenosha
Breaking: The confirmed Twitter account of key #Rittenhouse prosecution witness, Gaige Grosskreutz, who was shot in the arm by the teen after rushing after him with a pistol, shows he's been tweeting about the case & trial. #Kenosha
Read 3 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
Jack Ruby is the man who shot dead Lee Harvey Oswald on national television in 1963.

Left-wing accounts are not feeling confident Kyle Rittenhouse will be convicted so they are threatening to kill him instead. ImageImage
A Portland #antifa account laments that Kyle #Rittenhouse will likely not be convicted on the homicide charges but says the "upside" is that he will be easier to kill. ImageImage
“Where do we start the next riots?” asks Christine Suffield-Jay after feeling like Kyle #Rittenhouse will not be convicted. #Kenosha ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
Good morning! I'm inside the actual courtroom for the #RittenhouseTrial this morning.

We are not allowed to have phones inside the courtroom or take cell phone pics inside.

We are allowed to have our laptops with us, so I'll be live tweeting again today @SpectrumNews1WI
@SpectrumNews1WI We also have @meganmarshalltv here with me today. She's down in the media workroom working to record our video feed.
@SpectrumNews1WI @meganmarshalltv #KyleRittenhouse, his lawyers, and prosecutors are all in the courtroom. Rittenhouse is in a navy blue suit

His mom, Wendy Rittenhouse, is seated two rows behind me. #RittenhouseTrial
Read 53 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
Dominic Black bought #kyleRittenhouse the gun, because they knew he legally couldn't. Black is the first person Rittenhouse called when he shot Rosenbaum, and ran off as others provided medical aid. Remember Rittenhouse said he was there to provide aid if needed
#KyleRittenhouse friend Dominic Black, claims that Boack not his Dad agreed to let Rittenhouse take the gun from his dad's house. 2/
Black said he was worried about being hurt because all the violence in #kenosha, so he went on the roof of Car Source. Admits he aimed his gun at protesters hiding in the dark and told them to leave.Owner met with multiple groups to protect the property and allowed roof access 3/
Read 198 tweets
Apr 18th 2021
#Wisconsin shooting at #Kenosha lakeside bar leaves 3 dead, 2 injured | Apr 18
- The suspect had been asked to leave the bar, but then returned and opened fire, authorities said.…
Three killed and two wounded in shooting at #Wisconsin tavern | Apr 18
- No one has yet been arrested and the suspect is still at large, but police believe it was a targeted attack and that the public are not in any danger.
3 people killed and 2 injured in shooting in #Kenosha, sheriff's department says | 18.4.2021
Read 4 tweets
Feb 3rd 2021
NEW: The courts can not find #KyleRittenhouse . Prosecutors now want his bond for charges in two homicides raised. @WISN12News
Here's what #KyleRittenhouse has been up to while he's been out on bond already. @WISN12News…
Read 5 tweets

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