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May 14th 2023
Life Is Not Fair, Get Used to It: 5 Motivational Quotes from Bill Gates

1/ Life isn't always fair, but that doesn't mean you should give up on your dreams. Use the unfairness as fuel to propel you forward. #MotivationMonday #BillGatesQuotes
2/ Success isn't determined by how fair life is to you, but by how you respond to its challenges. Embrace the difficulties and keep pushing forward. #TuesdayThoughts #MotivationalQuotes
3/ It's easy to get discouraged when life throws you curveballs, but remember that you have the power to make things better. Focus on what you can control and take action. #WednesdayWisdom #BillGates

4/ The road to success is never easy or fair, but it's always worth it.
Read 6 tweets
May 12th 2023
Gemini ascendant attributes
Gemini ascendant individuals are known for their curious, inquisitive, and communicative nature. They are charming, sociable, and possess a great sense of humor, which makes them quite popular among their peers.
Here are some of the typical attributes associated with Gemini ascendant:
Intellectual and curious: Gemini ascendants have a great thirst for knowledge, and they love to learn new things. They are very analytical and enjoy exploring different ideas and perspectives.
Chatty and communicative: With their ruling planet Mercury, they are gifted with excellent communication skills and are always ready to engage in a conversation. They are witty and enjoy intellectual debates.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
This will be my thread for the #Uncool50 rundown of 2022! My favorite 50 formally released singles between December 1976 to now.

Come along for the ride it’ll be fun! My personal guardrails for it were a big help w/ hard choices (see below)
#hiphop Image
See here for the rules and other players. Then come back each night to see my next entry - some obvious, some niche, and everything in between!

Much thanks to @nonoxcol for getting this going and giving it clarity!
Chronological order, so not the lowest/highest ranked, but the first (and a trailblazer!). It still sounds like little else and can make me cry. #RIP you legend

1. @DavidBowieReal - “Heroes” (Sept. 1977)

Read 66 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
Azimio Productions LTD in corraboration with ODM Films present Action packed Movie Titled


Featuring the 5th Master & 3 OTHERS

Special appearance; Chips Cut (Mr. Shine)

at Screens near you.

#KenyansPoll #KenyaDecides
ACT 1.

ACT 2.

Read 8 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
A thread 🧵 or rather a slow amble past wildflowers down a favourite lane.
First Red Campion foreground (Silene dioica)
#wildflowerhour #TwitterNatureCommunity 1/
Interwoven flowers of bluebells & Stitchwort form the fabric of this verge - with bright knots of dandelion as counterpoint.
🧵 2
#wildflowerhour #TwitterNatureCommunity
I only want to linger to admire the graceful arc of the bluebell bloom, with now Yellow Archangel (Lamium galeobdolon) adding contast.
🧵 3
Read 14 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Buying off the plan can be a good opportunity for an investor or property owner looking to make a profit or gain some equity:…

#timidbee #Finance #mondaythoughts
#Mondayvibes #Australia #Brisbane #Perth #Adelaide #MONEY #cryptocurrency
Buying off the plan can be a good opportunity for an investor or property owner looking to make a profit or gain some equity:…

#timidbee #Finance #mondaythoughts
#Mondayvibes #Australia #Brisbane #Perth #Adelaide #MONEY #cryptocurrency Buying off the plan can be ...
Buying off the plan means you have decided to purchase a property that has not yet built or is currently under construction:…

#timidbee #Finance #Australia #MONEY #tuesdayvibe #tuesdaymotivations #investing #blog #brisbaneflood #Perth #Adelaide #Crypto Buying off the plan means y...
Read 7 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Can be an alternative for ZOOM? Check how to make your online meetings and remote events more fun with our new blog post! :)…

#buildingpublic #zoom #video #fridayfeeling #RemoteWorking
Read 3 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
thibs/zion practice day #1
#NewYorkForever #Knicks
thibs/zion practice day #21
#NewYorkForever #Knicks
thibs/zion practice day #45
#NewYorkForever #Knicks
Read 5 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
In the 1970s a fascinating engineering battle took place between America and Japan for control of the future. The prize was the world we live in now. And one of the key battles took place on your wrist.

This is the story of the digital watch... #FridayFeeling
'Digital' is a magical marketing word. Like 'laser' or 'turbo' it suggests progress, mastery and the future. People like those ideas. They like them enough to spend a lot of money on products that have them, especially if they can be a first adopter.
And so it was with the wristwatch. Electronic quartz watches were already a thing by the 1960s: an analogue movement driven by a quartz crystal resonator, powered by a small button battery.

But one American company was setting out on a new timekeeping odyssey...
Read 22 tweets
Dec 10th 2021
[Thread] 1/ This is an update on the #DoNotComply and #DoNotComplyEver hashtag. Both began trending again when mandatory mask wearing was introduced after the discovery of the Omicron variant. Since my last thread, I analysed approx 26000 tweets, between 5th -10th December Image
2/ In the following thread I will discuss

a) who the main influencers are
b) the salient political communities promoting the hashtag
c) any potentially unusual elements to the hashtag

Read on for more.

#OmicronVariant #Omicron
3/ Firstly, influencers. As with my previous thread, the British actor @LozzaFox remains the most influential account spreading the 'Do Not Comply message'. His posturing tweet of December 8th was retweeted almost 2k times, and liked around 8k times. #omicron #FridayFeeling ImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
from Austria, where everything goes to the moon...
#COVID19 ImageImage
to Sweden:
#COVID19 ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
#FridayFeeling #Faith or Experience?
…the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. —Galatians 2:20
We should battle through our moods, feelings, and emotions into absolute devotion to the #Lord #Jesus. ..
We must break out of our own little world of experience into abandoned devotion to Him. Think who the New Testament says #Jesus #Christ is, and then think of the despicable meagerness of the miserable #faith we exhibit ..
by saying, “I haven’t had this experience or that experience”! Think what #faith in #Jesus #Christ claims and provides— He can present us faultless before the throne of God, inexpressibly pure, absolutely righteous, and profoundly justified. ..
Read 8 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
#fridaymorning #FridayFeeling for #Christians
Self Deception and How to Avoid It

OF ALL FORMS OF DECEPTION, self-deception is the most deadly, and of all deceived persons the self-deceived are the least likely to discover the fraud.

The reason for this is simple. ..
When a man is deceived by another he is deceived against his will. He is contending against an adversary and is temporarily the victim of the other's guile. Since he expects his foe to take advantage of him he is watchful and quick to suspect trickery. ..
Under such circumstances it is possible to be deceived sometimes and for a short while, but because the victim is resisting he may break out of the trap and escape before too long.

With the self-deceived it is quite different. He is his own enemy ..
Read 21 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
#fridaymorning #FridayFeeling #Jesus #Christ Eternal
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. ..
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (John 1:1-5)

The five verses now before us contain a statement of matchless sublimity concerning the divine nature of our #Lord #Jesus #Christ. He ..
it is, beyond all question, whom John means when he speaks of "the Word." No doubt there are heights and depths in that statement which are far beyond man's understanding. And yet there are plain lessons in it, which every #Christian would do well to treasure up in his mind. ..
Read 20 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
Avocados are highly adapted to different rainfall conditions, however, a well distributed annual rainfall of up to 1600 mm is optimal for good production. Climatic conditions with alternating dry and rainy seasons are best for avocados.

#FridayMotivation #FridayFeeling
Grafted Hass and fuerte 🥑 avocado seedlings available @ ksh 150 each , Muranga

We do make delivery 🚚 across the country within 24 to 48 hours

Click this link to message us on WhatsApp:
Irrigation is essential where rainfall is not adequate.

Too much rain during flowering causes flower abortion resulting in significant reduction in production. Fungal diseases are also problematic in very wet weather.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
Passion fruits shouldn't miss out on your highly profitable ventures as a farmer .

While most people are ditching less income farm products, a new wave of amazing fruits and horticultural crop production farmers is coming up .

#fridaymorning #FridayFeeling #FridayFeeling ImageImageImageImage
one hectare of land can yield 15 to 20 tonnes of the produce enough to earn farmers up to 1 million to maize which earns between Sh35,000 to Sh60,000 per acre.

Selling a kilo of passion at Sh70 ,one will earn an average of 1.05m from one ha with a yield of 15 tonnes
For the best supply of quality , grafted passion fruit seedlings @ ksh 100 each

Delivered to your home town within 24 to 48 hours ,

Get in touch with @mynzagric254

Click this link to message us on WhatsApp: Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
🪅Too weird to not be believed😵‍💫

@Roblox the Massive Online Gaming Platform Rife W/ Scams & Abuse, & uses children as free labor 🎮😵… #roblox #RTC #gaming @SophNar0747 @Grummz @YellowFlashGuy @TheQuartering @RealClownfishTV @neontaster @InsideRoblox
Thanks go to People Make Games who first did the legwork on this story & it was their report that inspired me to cover this story

Great channel that is very informative & interesting

@chrisbratt @anni_sayers @Quinns108

#gaming #gamers #peoplemakegames
Roblox is Yuge,

Arguably most popular video game on earth,
40 million players login in daily to play 50 million different games (experiences)

The size of 7 Ubisoft's,
Next closet competitor is Nintendo
#gaming #gamer #gamedev #roblox #YouTube #twitch #streamer #robux #kids
Read 26 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
Instructions on how to type your own picture of Kojak.

You never know when you might need to... #FridayFeeling
Instructions on how to type your own picture of a sad Siamese Kitten.

He's seen things...
Instructions on how to type your own picture of John Paul II.

This came free with my John Paul I instructions...
Read 6 tweets
Apr 9th 2021
Do you want to pay complete strangers on the Internet (whose qualifications and skills you know nothing about) to do your homework for you? There's a spam network for that. #FridayFeeling

cc: @ZellaQuixote
By searching for the repeated "Hire us to do your <list of homework topics>" tweets shown in the previous collage and exploring the networks of the resulting accounts, we found 300 accounts posting repetitive tweets offering homework/essay writing services for hire.
The accounts in the network (allegedly) send the majority of their tweets via the Twitter Android app, although a number of other apps show up as well. Most tweets are either original tweets or replies (very few retweets or quote tweets).
Read 7 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
It's a great day to look at a small botnet that retweets Spanish followback hashtag #SigueMeYTeSigo. #FridayFeeling

cc: @ZellaQuixote
This botnet consists of 13 accounts created between 2017 and 2020. Each account is active 24/7 and ends most of its tweets via a unique custom app, most of which have names like "dfghji876". Judging by their follower/following ratios, the bots don't actually follow back.
The vast majority of this botnet's content (99.4% of recent tweets) consists of retweets of tweets containing #SigueMeYTeSigo (or stylized variants such as #𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙔𝙏𝙚𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙤 and #𝕊𝕀𝔾𝕌𝔼𝕄𝔼𝕐𝕋𝔼𝕊𝕀𝔾𝕆) sent via the custom apps mentioned earlier in this thread.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 19th 2021
Drip irrigation gives you the ability to control water deficit (RDI) and plant stress. You can regulate vegetative growth and berry size while controlling stress-induced sensorial parameters.

#FridayFeeling #AgriBizKenya #fridaymorning #FridayMotivation #FridayVibes
It ensures proper soil water balance especially during periods of less rainfall.
Drip irrigation delivers a controlled amount of water and nutrients straight to the roots of each plant, wasting nothing. This practice can save you up to 30% in water costs
Get your drip irrigation system and grapes seedling package from @mynzagric254 and get started as we walk along with you.

Follow this link to message us on WhatsApp: Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
It's #FridayFeeling time, I know, but ...

I've been thinking a lot about diversity, agency recruitment and finding new ways the UK's intelligence agencies can reach out to new audiences.

Just published in @JanesINTEL ⏬ on the UK agency use of social media.

A THREAD 1/8 Image

@GCHQ announced they were on Twitter in May 2016 with the simple message "Hello, world".

The aim was to make GCHQ more accessible and help the public understand what the agency does, reaching out in new ways to attract diverse talent and add GCHQ's voice to debates. Image

Since launching on Twitter, @GCHQ now uses @instagram and we've seen shares on recruitment, #LGBTHM 🏳️‍🌈, Women in #STEM, neurodiversity, GCHQ's history and centenary, and had a snapshot of life in "The Doughnut" - as well as a Dalek invasion and, erm, Weetabix.
Read 9 tweets

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