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Feb 14th 2022
#MiniThread going to be added to my #SuperThread at some point

#SteeleDossier connection to Hart #Voting Machines

Enlightenment Capital aquired Hart Voting…
Devin began his career in the mergers & acquisitions group at Lazard in New York and worked part-time at The Carlyle Group during graduate school.
If your following my #SuperThread EYES on Carlyle Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 4th 2019
@DevinNunes employs the nuclear option on Fusion GPS & Glenn Simpson! $9.9M + triple damages RICO lawsuit for obstruction of justice to defame him & intimidate him from performing his duties as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee!…
Racketeering case against the Fusion GPS & Glenn Simpson what Nunes calls a variety or racketeering crimes, intimidation, false ethics claims, wire fraud, & lying to Congress, the FBI & DOJ! Seeking injunctions prohibiting them from committing future oppo research crimes!
Accuses Fusion GPS of having a business model based upon creating false 'dossiers' & then getting them published by friendly media! That certainly isn't news!
Read 36 tweets
Jun 13th 2019
Citgo gets grand jury subpoena for Venezuelan corruption probe by DOJ Southern District of Texas.

Not a location where the Swamp would prefer to go on trial!
Citgo claims it has flipped, replaced it's board & to be actively cooperating & helping the DOJ in it's efforts to find corruption within the corporation!
Which means they knew how busted they were & are trying to throw the guilty under the bus to survive!
There has already been 17 guilty pleas in the Citgo case, so they had little choice! In addition to the new board, they brought in an outside legal firm to investigate the corruption & they have 20 separate internal investigations running to then pass off to the FBI/DOJ.
Read 11 tweets

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