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1/Does the work up for dizziness make your head spin?

Wondering what you should look for on an MRI for dizziness?

Here’s a #tweetorial on what you can (and can’t) see on MRI in #dizziness

#medtwitter #meded #neurotwitter #neurorad #radres #HNrad #neurotwitter #stroke #FOAMed Image
2/The etiology for dizziness depends both on how you define dizziness (i.e., vertigo, imbalance) & where you see the patient

For imaging, subtle distinctions in symptoms usually aren’t provided & many common diagnoses are without imaging findings (BPPV, vestibular migraine) Image
3/The most important finding on imaging for dizziness is a stroke from vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI)

It's a relatively uncommon etiology of dizziness, but its prevalence increases in emergent/acute dizziness populations

Missed VBI can have profound consequences/morbidity. Image
Read 24 tweets
„Since #Covid I suffer from #headaches, #tiredness, concentration problems, #brainfog, #dizziness, physical problems, loss of taste and smell and sometimes tightness on the chest. I follow physio- & ergotherapy. My husband is also suffering from #longCovid …“
- @IrisdeReus

„In hospital I did several long capacities tests and blood test. These test are standard and only gave results about my bad condition. They don’t solve the long Covid symptoms. After a year being sick I’m still making small steps in the right direction. …“
- @IrisdeReus

„I tried to return to work. I joined a 1 hour meeting with a small group of colleagues at the office, then I driven back home.
I still can’t handle noise or big groups. My life has changed from doing spontaneous things to making plans for each day and pacing.“ - @IrisdeReus

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