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Mar 8th 2019
08/03 is the International Day of Women's Rights.
Some #fiercewomen did not have the rights we have today, but they went ahead & challenged the society by doing #science!
⤵️15 profiles of women from the card game by @cunterview #WomensRights #STEM #IWD2019
Hypathia was a philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician, who lived in the 4th century BC in Alexandria. The first documented woman mathematician, she may have been the first "witch" to have been executed because of her intellectual endeavor. #WomenInSTEM…
Maria Gaetana Agnesi was a mathematician, philosopher, theologian, and humanitarian, who lived in Milan in the 18th century.
She was the first woman to write a mathematics handbook and be appointed as a mathematics professor at a university! #WomenInSTEM…
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