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May 28th 2023
INTRAVENOUS THROMBOLYSIS (fibrinolytic therapy) can be successfull if given

A. Within 30minutes to 12 hrs in STEMI

B. Within 3-4.5 hrs in Acute ischemic stroke

C. Within 14 days in Pulmonary embolism

Choose the ✅️correct statement/s among the above.

#Medtwitter #MedEd Image
✅️TRUE statement/s among the above three
Fibrinolytic agents are plasminogen activators(PA) that act by converting plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin then degrades the fibrin matrix of thrombi and produces soluble fibrin degradation products resulting in clot lysis. Image
Read 15 tweets
May 24th 2023
Drug of choice for ANAPHYLAXIS in a patient with no response to Epinephrine?
Patient is on Propranolol 60 mg BD for essential tremors.
#MedTwitter #emergencymedicine #CriticalCare Image
Anaphylaxis is a severe, life threatening systemic hypersensitivity reaction characterized by being rapid in onset with potentially life threatening airway, breathing, or circulatory problems and is usually, although not always, associated with skin and mucosal changes.( ICD-11)
Read 9 tweets
May 23rd 2023
27 yrs old patient, detected to be pregnant when she missed her periods one day back. She has Graves disease on Rx for past 3 years, presently on Carbimazole 5mg daily and not on propranolol. She was euthyroid with Rx for past 1 year. Best strategy ?
Present reports 👇 Image credit: Usatine RP, S...
A. Stop carbimazole and monitor by weekly/fortnightly TSH, FT4 levels and follow up.

B. Switch to PTU 50mg bd and do FT4, TSH after 2 weeks and review

C. Switch to PTU 50 mg bd + LT4 50mcg OD. TSH, FT4- 4wkly

D. PTU 50mg BD and Propranolol XL 20mg , Monthly TSH,FT4-followup
Read 21 tweets

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