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Mar 9th 2020
#NovaScotia has been mining coal commercially for 300 years, since the French established a mine at #PortMorien in 1720 to supply coal for #FortressLouisbourg. But how did our world-class coal deposits form?
#nspoli #cbpoli #capebreton
@GeoffMacLellan @TimHoustonNS @HomeMattersCB Image
#NovaScotia’s coal deposits starting forming 300 million years ago when #NS had a tropical climate – tectonic plate movement had us in the middle of supercontinent #Pangea, down around the equator.
#nspoli #cbpoli #capebreton ImageImage
Swamps contained dense vegetation that died, drifted to the bottom of the swamps and gradually formed peat—a soggy, sponge-like material. As the peat accumulated, the weight of the top layers compacted the lower layers by squeezing out water.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia #coal Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 18th 2020
The first commercial coal mine in N. America started 300 years ago in #PortMorien when, in 1720, the French started it to supply #FortressLouisbourg.
Here is part 2 of the history of mining around Port Morien:
#nspoli #cbpoli #capebreton #novascotia @Port_Morien @GeoffMacLellan ImageImage
1886 - The Blockhouse site was seized by the sheriff and sold due to the company being in arrears in royalty payments. The mine was almost lost in March to due a break at surface near Hugh MacDonald brook.
#nspoli #cbpoli #capebreton #novascotia Image
In August 1886 the mine was sold to Mr. C. Belloni and production continued but the lower workings were permitted to flood.
1888 – Production ceased at the Blockhouse Colliery.
#nspoli #cbpoli #capebreton #novascotia Image
Read 17 tweets
Feb 17th 2020
Mining is part of #NovaScotia's heritage!
The first commercial #coal mine in North America started 300 years ago in #PortMorien when, in 1720, the French started it to supply #FortressLouisbourg.
This is Port Morien's #mining history.
#nspoli #cbpoli #nsheritageday @NS_Museum #NS ImageImageImage
Port Morien’s original French name was Baye de Mordienne but it was changed to Cow Bay in the 1800s. The legend is that a cow escaped from a ship and was found there. The name was changed to Port Morien in 1895.
#nspoli #cbpoli #nsheritageday #capebreton #novascotia ImageImage
1724 - Coal from Port Morien was shipped to Boston in Canada’s first international trade of minerals. Coal was traded for bricks, lumber and provisions.
#nspoli #cbpoli #nsheritageday #capebreton #novascotia Image
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Feb 8th 2020
We love getting questions about #mining, #minerals and #geology! We were recently asked about historical mining in #PortHood, #Inverness County. Here’s our answer:

#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #CapeBreton #NS #CB ImageImage
In the 1740s-1750s, a quarry on #PortHood Island was the main supply of finished/dressed sandstone for #FortressLouisbourg’s window and door casements. About 60 men worked there in summer and the stone was sent by barge through the #StraitofCanso to #Louisbourg.
#nspoli #cbpoli Image
Many historical #NovaScotia buildings, including the more important buildings at #Louisbourg, were made of stone that was considered somewhat unattractive (i.e. fieldstone or ironstone), so it was often fancied up with granite or sandstone trim.
#nspoli #cbpoli #CapeBreton #NS Image
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