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Jul 7th 2021
1/ things are hotting up 🔥 as we get closer to the mainnet launch and TGE for our platform and the global #DeFi FX protocol. 💱

we've certainly made a lot of progess since our last tweetstorm, so it's time for a #troop update.🦍

firstly, a platform walkthrough.
2/ mint our stablecoins #fxTokens in a range of currencies. backed by #ETH, #wBTC, #DAI with more to come...

borrow in your local currency, removing FX risk and making accounting easier.

#fxEUR #fxCNY #fxKRW #fxAUD #fxJPY Image
3/ burn #fxTokens quickly and easily to repay debt and manage your vault collateral ratios. Image
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