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Sep 11th 2022
<thread> Tesla & #Lithium - a decade in the making

A lithium refinery has been in Tesla & Elon Musk’s @elonmusk thinking for ~10 yrs now & in (a serious way) for the best part of 3 yrs

The logic is sound

2020: 70-80% of lithium ion battery costs are raw materials

2010: 20-30%
Tesla has filed to build a lithium hydroxide refining facility in Texas (Gulf Coast).

This is a revisiting of its 2020 plan to build a spodumene conversion facility to make lithium hydroxide at #GigaTexas

Originally planned to launch Q4 2022.
This #GigaTexas lithium refinery would have been using a new hydromet process, as not to be reliant on sulphuric acid.

Our estimation was a smaller refinery to start with 15,000 tpa lithium hydroxide. Could now be 25,000tpa

@benchmarkmin story>>>…
Read 24 tweets
Jul 17th 2020
Documentário #SuperFactories do Science Channel mostrou imagens inéditas da #gigaNevada (link no Tweet abaixo).

Mas deixou muitíssimo a desejar:

-Disse que a Tesla produz “mais de 500.000 carros por ano” -incorreto.

-Chamou o #Model3 de “M3” durante todo o documentário.😒
-Mostrou imagens do #ModelS enquanto falando sobre o Model 3

-Mostrou linhas de produção de motores enquanto falando de produção de baterias.

-E agora a Panasonic disse que a informação no documentário referente a capacidade produção de baterias tbm está incorreta.

Documentário (primeiros 10 minutos):…
Read 3 tweets

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