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Aug 20th 2022
1) A common misconception in Asian Twitter & Reddit spaces is that AMs & WFs have lower rates of STDs than AFs, implying AMs are more incel than AFs. However stats from @CDCgov indicate otherwise. A long thread. #STDawareness #asian #asianmalewhitefemale #whitemaleasianfemale
2) The claim that AMs and WFs have lower rates of STDs than AFs come from this study by Hahm et al:…, which found that AAPI females report STDs four times more than AAPI males & about 50% more than WFs. #AAPI #STDawareness #STDfacts #Asiansgonewild
3) However, if you look at Hahm et al's method of measuring STD rates, it's just a question asking if a doctor or nurse told the participant they had certain STDs, including HPV, bacterial vaginosis and nongonococcal vaginitis.… #STDawareness #AAPI
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Jul 29th 2022
Annie Luetkemeyer (@annieluet) reports doxycycline PEP reduces risk of STIs for gay/bi men & trans women on #PrEP (incidence 32% vs 11%) & #HIV+ (31% vs 12%) — even more so for those who used it consistently. @UCSF #AIDS2022
DoxyPEP led to reductions in #gonorrhea, #chlamydia & #syphilis. Analysis of antibiotic resistance & gut microbiome is underway. #AIDS2022
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Sep 2nd 2020
This is George Grenville (1712-1770): Whig Politician, once First Lord of the Admiralty, then Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1763-1765, and later Chancellor of the Exchequer. Probably also a myeloma patient! And…the subject of #HematologyTweetstory 30, about old bones.🙂/1
Over here in America, Grenville is best known for an ill-advised policy he championed in 1765 called the “Stamp Act”: a tax on colonial documents & newspapers, which could only be printed on special paper shipped from London. This notorious Act outraged the colonists./2
In fact, when I learned about the Stamp Act in elementary school more than 200 years later (!), the teacher described it in such virulent terms that we 7-year-old lads were ready to take up muskets to defend the Stars & Stripes. There were even scuffles on the playground./3
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Oct 26th 2018
19M sexually active, HIV(-), in the ER w 2 d progressive L eye pain, swelling & discharge. Also has had 5 d penile burning and discharge. O/E: L eye ➡️ red, severe lid swelling, +purulent discharge; GU ➡️ + mild penile discharge. What is the recommended one-time treatment? #meded
(1/5)Answer: C, ceftriaxone 1 g IM + azithromycin 1 g PO. Patient most likely has gonorrheal urethritis and 🌟conjunctivitis🌟. The latter is uncommon in adults but potentially devastating; caused by inoculation of bacteria into the eye from contaminated hands. #meded #gonorrhea
(2/5) Gonorrheal conjunctivitis ➡️ also known as 🌟hyperactive conjunctivitis (incubation period can be as short as a few hours, progresses rapidly, often leads to severe eye manifestations, urgent Optho consult when suspected). #meded
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