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Feb 7th 2018
<THREAD> Why are some exaggerating/mistaking what the #GrassleyMemo says?

See this widely-shared thread below by @KimStrassel.

I wrote about the Grassley memo at length here:…

I’ll raise specific points of disagreement with Strassel in this thread ... 1/
2. Strassel: “it confirms the Nunes memo and blows up the Schiff talking points”

FALSE: it undercuts #NunesMemo on 2 main claims: whether the FISA application relied on news story for corroboration and whether DOJ told court about political origins of Steele’ dossier.

I wrote:
3. Strassel: #GrassleyMemo “is confirmation that the FBI's FISA application relied on the dossier and a news article”

FALSE: In addition to what I wrote in #2 on the news article, top expert David Kris explains Nunes memo highly implausible on this issue:
Read 10 tweets
Feb 7th 2018
1) #GrassleyMemo Declassified! (see what's new)👇
2) #GrassleyMemo Declassified portions. (page one)
3) #GrassleyMemo Declassified portions (page two)
Read 15 tweets
Feb 7th 2018
1) #GrassleyMemo Unredacted!
(some redacts remain)

2) Unredacted #GrassleyMemo (Page One)
3) Unredacted #GrassleyMemo (Page Two)
Read 9 tweets
Feb 5th 2018
1) Grassley Memo Update!
Friday night February 2nd Senator Chuck Grassley formally demanded a Mandatory Declassification Review of the #GrassleyMemo
2) We now know that the #GrassleyMemo is eight pages in total that at this time are heavily redacted.
Read 23 tweets
Feb 4th 2018
2) January 5th Grassley informs us that his staff (and Graham's) are working with the DOJ to redact and release the unclassified portions of the #GrassleyMemo…
3) By looking at the bottom of the January 4th memo we can see who has seen the memo and the classified attachment other than Grassley, Graham, Rosenstein, and Wray.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 3rd 2018
1) The Grassley Memo!
On January 4th Grassley sent a criminal referral to Rosenstein and Wray to investigate Mr. Steele. "Attached please find a CLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM"
#GrassleyMemo #ReleaseTheMemo
2) The ONLY reason we are allowed to see the TOP SECRET cover sheet is because it has been separated from the classified memo "UNCLASSIFIED when separated from attachment."
3) January 5th Grassley issues a statement broadcasting the #GrassleyMemo…
Read 13 tweets

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