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Mar 7th 2023
Al-#Mahrah Sit-In Committee: American Visit Legitimizes Occupation.

Spokesman for the Peaceful Sit-in Committee for the People of #AlMahrah, Ali Mubarak Bin Mahamad, confirmed that, “The visit of US ambassador and the commander of the Fifth Fleet confirms all the warnings
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launched by the sit-in committee about the seriousness of the violation of sovereignty and the legitimacy of the occupation”.

Spokesperson held the presidential leadership council loyal to Saudi Arabia and UAE responsible for this visit, which legitimizes the violation of
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the country’s national sovereignty.

The US Ambassador, Stephen Geffen, and the commander of US Fifth Fleet, Brad Cooper, visited Al-Ghaydah Airport, which Saudi Arabia has turned it into a military base, while the US website (HuffPost) confirmed a few days ago that US is
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Nov 12th 2022
For his part, the Minister of Finance in the Sana’a government, Dr. Rashid Abu Lahoum, said that his government’s measures to stop the operations of the coalition and its loyalists in smuggling Yemeni crude oil have succeeded, indicating in press statements that efforts to
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stop oil looting abroad succeeded, but wealth looting operations did not. It all stops after, explaining that there is a lot of wealth being looted in #Hadhramaut and the island of #Socotra, stressing the need for it to be employed for the benefit of the Yemeni people.
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Abu Lahoum's reference to Socotra in his speech is an implicit indication that the island controlled by the #UAE entered into the Sana'a plan to prevent the looting of Yemeni wealth Especially after the operation of the #Qena_port in Shabwa coincided with the flight of
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Aug 14th 2022
#YEMEN :#America begins implementing the plan to occupy Hadramawt and the eastern coasts

Today, Sunday, the #USA officially started implementing its plan to control the oil-rich province of #Hadhramaut and the eastern coasts of Yemen, within the framework of a previous
plan to control the oil provinces and the strategic eastern coasts of #Yemen overlooking the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.
A military delegation from the US Naval Forces (Marines) arrived today at the coastal Brom Mayfaa district, to begin arranging for the establishment
of a US military base in the district, to be the starting point for its military and intelligence operations in the region.
The US military delegation met with the Director General of the Prom Mayfaa Directorate, Ali Suleiman Ba Qarawan, the Director of Security of the
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