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Apr 15th 2023
1. Why did Gulf kingdoms embrace Iran? When the #GulfArab states saw what happened in Iran over one #Kurdish woman who stood up to became the #Mideast version of Rosa Parks, they all panicked. Remember, the US lists as terrorists a group whose ideology seeks #genderequality.
2. That continued listing over an ideology we support is something @POTUS @VP and @SecBlinken need to explain. But in the interim, we are seeing the #Arab word suddenly embracing #Assad, a blood soaked chemical weapon-using, sociopathic dictator. Why?
3. Because he's the one they have tapped to eliminate the #Syrian #Kurds. And all the #misogynists cheer him as their standard bearer. And once the #SDF is gone and the #women once again relegated to second-class rights, they can get back to business
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Mar 8th 2023
Coalition forces, Al-#Qaeda elements launch attack on Jaishan tribes in Abayn.     

The Saudi-led coalition forces and members of the “Al Qaeda” organization in #Abyan province, south of #Yemen, launched a major attack Tuesday night with
various types of weapons against the people of the Jaishan tribes.

Local sources in #Abyan told the “Yemeni Press Agency” that the so-called “joint forces,” affiliated with the coalition forces, led by Colonel “Mustafa Mahdi Al-Kazmi,” commander of the 3rd Presidential
Protection Brigade and commander of the coalition forces in the Jaishan district of #Abyan, attacked the sons of the Jaishan tribes on the road linking the provinces of Abyan and Bayda and in the mountains of Al-Qasha’a, Al-Shatbah, and Al-Awsaj with medium weapons and
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Dec 4th 2022
1. It's shocking and frightening how little @HouseDemocrats @HouseGOP @SenateDems and @NRSC know about #Erdogan and his family's connections to #ISIS and al-#Qaeda. I suspect @StateDept with #urkish affiliations and @ODNIgov that was penetrated during #45 are filtering the facts
2. for reasons that should concern Congress. I also think @POTUS @JoeBiden's PDB is nothing but a State and CIA marketing tool and lacks an unvarnished report of the raw intelligence that would disclose Erdogan is working with #Assad, #Iran and #Russia against the US and @NATO.
3. I never cared for the idea of the ODNI or its creation of a monolithic PDB. We should immediately return to a PDB that are reports compiled by the @CIA and @DefenseIntel that highlights areas in which the two agencies do not concur on a fact or assessment.
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Nov 22nd 2022
1. I've looked at the documents, noting that the July 5th Accession document does not appear to be online, and I see no argument based the NATO Treaty language that supports a view that the US does not have a @NATO Art 5 obligation to both #Sweden and #Finland. Turkey agreed Image
2. to a unanimous "invitation" in Barcelona that was the only thing the Treaty requires. It says nothing about ratification. Erdogan & Orban, both allied with the war criminal Putin, have yet to approve the protocols. We should not let these two anti-democratic corrupt autocrats
3. control NATO. The US is the force that brings safety to members from #Kremlin aggression by being a counterbalance to the #Russian strategic missile forces. That is what makes NATO work more than any other factor. We cannot tolerate #Oban and #Erdogan
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Oct 27th 2022
Al-#Qaeda mobilization in the outskirts of Taiz.

On Thursday, pro-coalition media revealed that Al-Qaeda has gathered in the outskirts of Taiz Governorate, in southern #Yemen.

And "Yemen Today" channel said in a report that dozens of #al_Qaeda militants arrived in the
district of Al-Mudaraba and Ras Al-Ara in Lahj governorate, bordering the southern countryside of Taiz, where Al-Islah forces are stationed .

The report confirmed that al-#Qaeda mobilizations will be brought to the reform camps in the city of al-Turbah, noting that they
will undergo joint training with units of the Taiz axis.

Tariq Saleh had previously accused Al-Islah of mobilizing #Al_Qaeda to the southwestern regions of Taiz Governorate, to participate in a surprise attack on its forces' positions in the coastal districts.

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Sep 20th 2022
Al-#Qaeda Sends Somali Reinforcements to #Abyan

Al-Qaeda sent large military reinforcements on Monday, from its bases in Somalia to Abyan province in southern #Yemen, this comes in the wake of a deal with STC under the auspices of the coalition to prevent the storming
of its strongholds.

Exclusive-alkhabar alyemeni:

The organization’s activists published on social media pictures of hundreds of the organization’s members in one of al-#Qaeda camps, they described them as fighters of the brown continent,” referring to their origin from
The pictures show a huge parade inside one of the most prominent camps of the organization.
It is not clear yet the motives of the reinforcements, and whether they are among the arrangements to expand the spread of the organization during the coming period,
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Sep 18th 2022
#YEMEN:Al-#Qaeda launches devastating attack against southern Yemeni separatists.

by Emad Almarshahi- Sept 18, 2022

The #UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias suffered heavy casualties when al-Qaeda launched a new military attack in Ahwar area of #Abyan
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province on Sunday.
Local sources confirmed that dozens of the militias, all of whom were recruits of the sons of Yafa and Abyan, including a battalion commander, were killed or wounded in the attack that targeted Wadi Eumarn and Al-Ahmar areas, east of Mudiyah district
of the province.
In a related context, the “Ansar al-Sharia” website affiliated with al-#Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula published pictures of the terrorist attack launched by the organization on a security point belonging to the Security Belt Militia in Ahwar.

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Aug 19th 2022
1. If our @NATO alliance prevents us from standing up to #Erdogan we are morally obligated to arm the #SDF with heavy weapons and anti-air capabilities to fight off the unprovoked #Turkish aggression in N Syria. The Syrian people and fighters of the #SDF earned that
2. much with their blood in Kobane, Raqqa and Baghuz. More SDF died fighting ISIS for us in Syria than US forces in all the years in Afghanistan. We have a force that believes in freedom, democratic rule and equality of all people. If we abandon them to the autocratic racist
3. Erdogan to be slaughtered we will lose the ability to convince others to join us in the fights against terror. Erdogan is a bully and if we give in to him we desecrate the memory of the people who died in the war on terror. He is allied with both Al-#Qaeda and #Daesh and
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Aug 15th 2022
Thread: 15 August 2022: Day 173 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Latest @DefenceHQ update on #Russia's plans to completely conquer Donetsk Oblast in eastern #Ukraine and then stage a referendum to annex the zone to Russia. Image
#Ukraine fighter pilot, Anton Lystopad, recognised in 2019 as the country's top pilot and who had been awarded an Order for Courage by President Zelensky, was killed in combat against #Russia |… ImageImageImageImage
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Aug 14th 2022
#YEMEN :#America begins implementing the plan to occupy Hadramawt and the eastern coasts

Today, Sunday, the #USA officially started implementing its plan to control the oil-rich province of #Hadhramaut and the eastern coasts of Yemen, within the framework of a previous
plan to control the oil provinces and the strategic eastern coasts of #Yemen overlooking the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.
A military delegation from the US Naval Forces (Marines) arrived today at the coastal Brom Mayfaa district, to begin arranging for the establishment
of a US military base in the district, to be the starting point for its military and intelligence operations in the region.
The US military delegation met with the Director General of the Prom Mayfaa Directorate, Ali Suleiman Ba Qarawan, the Director of Security of the
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Mar 19th 2022
1. I reported on the first Russo-Ukrainian war starting with the Maidan Jan 2014. After Merkel & Macron's Minsk I and II, I focused on Syria in a belief that ISIS was a Russian and Iranian operation to destroy Syrian Sunnis political unity. I worked to arm and assist the Kurds.
2. The force grew and establishment of the #SDF brought #Sunni #Arabs, #Christians & #Turkmen to join a single umbrella force with US airpower taking back large parts of #Syria. They still hold it much of it but #Putin gave large parts to #Erdogan who folded in ISIS & Al-#Qaeda
3. and along with #Russia, #Turkey, #Iran and #Assad act as a sort of overwatch. With US SOF and Bradleys from the 4th ID there as democracy's last hope.

When the Battle for Raqqa started in 2017, I observed ISIS military leadership made up of mostly Chechens started to leave.
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Sep 26th 2021
1. Unclear if this is a signal of a change in #Russia's policy in #Syria, but it deserves note. #Erdoğan's deal with #Putin allowed #Turkey to occupy much of Northern #Syria using forces made up of al-#Qaeda & #Daesh fighters. Recent #Russian bombing in #Barad in SW #Afrin
2. hit and killed several of these Turkish backed al-#Hamzah Division terrorist forces. That group is embedded with Turkish forces and reported to be commanded by the Turkish special forces. Hamza is a monstrous terrorist force that commits crimes against #Kurds and religious
3. minorities and abducts women who are enslaved. There are also reports of Russian helicopters dumping flares over Turkish terrorist held region of North East Syria. IMO there will never be peace in Syria with Turkey and its terrorist occupying any part of it. Putin may have
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Aug 26th 2021
1. In Northern #Syria members of al-#Qaeda and #Daesh fka #ISIS are embedded with #Turkish #TSK forces conducting daily attacks on US partner forces #SDF and civilians including #Kurds, #Ezidis and #Christians. IMO Turkey force is funded by #Qatar that with #Turkey and #Pakistan
2. forms a terrorist front that advances both ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Both Turkey and Qatar use the US bases and Pakistan uses US overflight as the way to keep our eyes averted to their terrorist affiliations. We will never be free of the FTO threat if we ignore state sponsors.
3. We need to give Turkey and Qatar 48 hours to disclose all their terrorist affiliations or @StateDept should list both as State Sponsors of Terror and block assets. This will never happen because both @StateDept and @CIA are fully infiltrated by Turkish intelligence service as
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Aug 15th 2021
#Jalalabad, the capital of Nangarhar province, 90 miles from Kabul, is the first provincial capital to fall to the #Taliban todau [15 AUG], and the 23rd overall.
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Jul 21st 2021
1. As I predicted #Taliban are murdering the people who teach girls. This is clearly terrorism and the @StateDept and @WhiteHouse must move to re-list the Taliban as a FTO. If the measure is that they are not directly threatening an attack on the US, then why is the
2. #PKK listed? Taliban terrorizes civilians. The PKK is supported by the civilian population in Northern Kurdistan and along Iraqi border. Turkish occupation forces are the party conducting what could be defined under US law as terrorist operations in Kurdistan not the PKK.
3. The use of the listing process for political expedience IMO voids every charge under FTO listings because it is used as a mechanism to advance US policy goals and not a legitimate definition of an element of a criminal offense. It is used to impair first amendment rights of US
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Nov 12th 2020
1. Syria can be saved. But #Turkey's maligned influence in #Syria and the region must end. We can end the fighting in #Idlib by making it a #semiautonomous region. An #SDF force comprised of mostly of #SunniArabs but with Christians #Ezidis & Kurds can bring peace in the north
2. and in #Idlib with US air and #logistic support. Let #Assad stay if he wins a free and fair election. Otherwise, the #Alawite 17% minority dictatorial rule will end. Remember: #SDF protected #Daesh from harm when they surrendered on the Eastern Euphrates.
3. SDF can work as they do now with the Govt. forces if the shared goals are peace, secular and gender equality under a democratic Constitution. Other than unrepentant #Daesh and Al-#Qaeda who will likely flee to Turkey to continue #Jihad with continued support of Erdogan regime,
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Oct 21st 2020
1.@POTUS @RealDonaldTrump's #Turkey business deals run our foreign policy in #Syria and #Iraq and the result is we are looking the other way as #ISIS & Al-#Qaeda retake northern Syria and #Iran & @Russian take the rest. Make the @GOP regret that. @robertcobrien @WHNSC @FBIWFO
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Sep 27th 2020
1. Over 3 years have past since the start of the battle for Raqqa. Remembering the brave members of US forces who fought to defeat Daesh alongside our brave Arab, Kurd and Christian #SDF partners.
via @YouTube
2. Six months after that battle started, Trump surrendered #Afrin to Erdogan after @MikePompeo's meeting with three sanctioned Russian intel chiefs in DC. Syrian Christian churches that had survived since the earliest times were looted and desecrated by Turkish backed jihadist
3. including #ISIS and Al-#Qaeda. Then in October last year, after a single call from his Turkish terrorist business associate, Trump surrendered Gire Spi and Tel Abyad again facilitating a #Christian, #Kurds and #Ezidi genocide by Erdogan's jihadist horde.
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Feb 27th 2020
1. What are we going to do with all the foreign #ISIS Al-#Qaeda fighters who are part of #Turkey's force in #Idlib? Should we ship them all to Mar-a-Lago? Guantanamo? Or set the lose on the streets of Paris?
2. @RTErdogan threatened to attack US forces with these same foreign terrorist forces and @POTUS @realdonaldtrump withdrew. Was it because he was a coward or was it because he has business in Istanbul? How about both? These are indisputable historic facts.
3. And if Trump doesn't snap out of it, it's what this election will be about. He'll look back on the plague like the good old days. @USEmbassySyria @FBIWFO @EsperDoD @SecPompeo
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Feb 23rd 2020
1. The @nytimes is wrong on the facts. There is an alternative. MT Syria’s Drawn-Out Agony
2. Times: “there remains no viable resistance inside #Syria for #America to support.”

That’s factually incorrect. AA of #NES is an oposition group. The Times doesn’t distingush between “Rebels” (mostly jihadists including #ISIS and Al-#Qaeda) and the #SDF, the brave fighters
3. who fight shoulder-to-shoulder with @SOJTFOIR in the war against terror. #Turkey armed and financed Al-Qaeda & ISIS. Syrians should not be left with a choice of either ISIS or Assad. In NES folks are free. The misguided uniformed people on Times Editorial board threaten NES
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Jan 26th 2020
1. Unless #SCOTUS completely rewrites decades of precedent @POTUS #TrumpFinances will be disclosed before the election. Are @senatemajldr and his @SenateGOP caucus walking into a trap? If they are, November cycle @GOP #SenateJurors could be decimated. Even ones safe now.
@SenateGOP @SenMcSallyAZ @SenatorCollins @SenCoryGardner @joniernst @SenDanSullivan @SenThomTillis @JohnCornyn @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC @SteveDaines @sendavidperdue 3. When proof of Trump's #Russianmob & #Turkey backed Al-#Qaeda connections emerge @GOP 's #Devil's bargain with #Trump might come back to haunt them all. And for the three retiring Senators' seats, @SenAlexander
@SenPatRoberts @SenatorEnzi, Democrats could pick them off too.
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Dec 12th 2019
1. Unpleasant as it may be for many, the current trajectory of the war in #Syria will require the US to work with the #Damascus government to keep the country from becoming an even worse terrorist breeding ground. When we overthrew Saddam we destroyed the military too. The result
2. was #ISIS and chaos on a massive scale. #Geneva process when accomplished will create a democratically elected Syrian government. It will still have to fight the terrorists that #Turkey & Qatar finance & arm.

#SDF is not a separatist force. They are a loyal opposition force
3. Loyal to Syria that they fight to defend. The goal of a federal Syria is the principal part of SDF's ideological thinking that ties them to Abdullah Öcalan. The federal system is not the PKK's ideological creation. It's America's. Local governance brings stability in diverse
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Dec 6th 2019
1. #Turkey is affiliated with both #ISIS & Al-#Qaeda. Congress should give @RTErdogan days to begin full withdrawal from all of Northern Syria: Afrin to Sere Kaniye. Barring it Turkey's economy & war making power must be sanctioned. @NATO must be anti-imperialist to survive.
2. Turkey's strategic objectives in the invasion were to free #Daesh, seize oil & gas and Syrian territory. The US, Russian and SAA redeployment prevented them from achieving the first two objectives so they were left with just seizing territory, committing mass murder,
3. pillage and genocide.

Since 2014, I have closely observed the #YPG & #YPJ initially and then watched the formation of the #SDF, a combined #Arab, #Christian & #Kurdish force. #SDF is a liberation force. They do no acts consistent with terrorism and only people who need fear
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Nov 29th 2019
1. We all know @POTUS @RealDonaldTrump took Turkey's cash to betray our allies to #ISIS and Al-#Qaeda. He made the mistake of committing a crime for which there is no executive immunity. We know what Trump did and why. But we don't know why @thejointstaff and @EsperDoD agreed.
2. Nuremberg established that the "we were following orders" defense does not work in Genocide. Mattis quit when Trump did this the first time. That was the command's only lawful option. They have no future outside of prison for life unless they wipe out the TurkishISIS threat.
3. Erdogan is ISIS. @NSAGov and @CIA know but have been concealing it. There should be nowhere on earth that ISIS and Al-Qaeda can lay down to sleep with the expectation of waking anywhere but Hell.
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