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Oct 12th 2020
**Evening Update**

We were able to fill an additional 2 hampers on our list. We only have 4 hampers left to fill!

If we can raise funds to deliver the hampers tonight or first thing in the morning, we will be able to give everyone currently on our list a #thanksgivingCanada
We accept etransfers:


Our other donation info is in our Twitter Profile Bio.

We need $1155.00 to fill the last 4 hampers that are on our list.

If you can #Help that would be awesome!
Read 4 tweets
Jul 1st 2020
Do you know what is "Suspended Coffee" or Suspended Meal " ?
Ok , let me explain...
A woman giving money at a restaurant counter in Norway and told: “Five coffee, two suspended".
Gave money for five coffees and carried three cups of coffee.....
Another came and ordered:
"Ten coffee, five suspended" He paid for ten and grabbed five coffees.
And another ordered:
"Five meals, two suspended" He paid for five meals and took three lunch packets.🙂
An old man for a while, came to the counter with shabby clothes..........
"Any "suspended coffee" ?" He asked .
The woman at the counter said, "Yes," and served a cup of hot coffee.
Soon another bearded man came in and asked "Any Suspended Meals".? The man at the counter gave a parcel of hot rice & curry and a bottle of water.......
Read 4 tweets

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