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Dec 30th 2021
1/ The followin' is part performance art, part important information.

Below, ol' Finn outlines how and why the launch of #Huckleberry's new lendin' platform, Thatcher's Reservoir, brings yield farmin' (and really all of #DeFi on @MoonriverNW) to the next level.

2/ Some things to keep in mind about yield farmin':

- Needs 2 tokens in equal ratio
- Tends to offer high APRs
- Subject to Impermanent Loss

Put 1000$ into yield farmin' and it's possible you end up with less (in a worst case scenario)
3/ Some things to keep in mind about lendin'/borrowin':

- Needs only 1 token
- Tends to offer lower APRs than yield farmin'
- No Impermanent Loss

Put 1000$ into a lendin' platform and you will always end up with more (even in a worst case scenario)
Read 16 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
1/ The launch of Thatcher’s Reservoir marks the dawn of a new era for #Huckleberry as it becomes the first platform to offer a fully-fledged, in-house DEX and lendin’ protocol on @MoonriverNW.

Borrow up to 80% on stables (like $USDT and $USDC), 70% on $DOT and 60% on $MOVR. Image
2/ Learn more 📚

📘 Docs:…

📗 Code:

📕 Risk Parameters:…

📔 Blog:…
3/ Launch Assets (Collateral Factor):

$MOVR (60%)
$BTC (75%)
$ETH (75%)
$USDC (80%)
$USDT (80%)
$MIM (75%)
$DOT (70%)
$TOM (0%)
Read 4 tweets
Oct 26th 2021 Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
I have to say that when @Soundsaboutleft and I were kids, we used to pretend to be cowboys. Actually, he pretended to be Wyatt Earp and I was "one of the guys he shot at the OK Corral."

Then he'd spit on me.

Anyway. Tonight, I can tell you, he's no #huckleberry.
Tombstone is probably my favorite western. Since I don't really like most westerns, it's not a big list but still at the top.

It stars Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliot, and Bill Pullman.

I freaking love this movie.
And before I start all this I can not stress enough how freaking amazing Val Kilmer (@valkilmer) was in this movie. The fact he wasn't at least nominated for an Oscar is a freaking tragedy and continues to prove the Oscars are absolute bullshit.

Fuck the oscars.
Read 214 tweets

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