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Jan 12th 2023
Replacing Wang Yi as Foreign Minister & now shunting out‘wolf warrior’ Zhao as foreign ministry spokesperson, is the UTTER & DISASTROUS failure of #ComradeXi's combative, expansionist & aggressive foreign policy.…
It is absurd to believe that these officials were toeing anything other than the official line.

This retreat, is similar to the about turn on the disastrous #ZeroCovid policy of #XiJinping,which is resulting in millions of infections, swamped medical facilities & untold deaths.
It is the horrific failures of #XiJingping which are sought to be covered up:

* Trade War with America with disastrous economic consequences.

* The total failure of #CPEC, #BRI, alienating Austrailia & #Europe among others.

* Lunatic land grab with India & the murderous
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