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Sep 16th 2021

@wdavison10 of @CrisisGroup:
'the Mechanical Turk' of #InformationLaudering

1/ Davison is an employee of the @CrisisGroup, a New York based organization that claims to work to "....prevent wars....& a more peaceful world."
@CrisisGroup claims to be an independent organization but a cursory examination of their finances tells a different story. A very different story!!
Their biggest nongovernmental donor is Soros' Open Society Foundation (nothing to look here)
49% of their funding (19 mill USD) actually came from government grants. And who are these gracious countries? The Netherlands (5.9 mill), Canada (3.5 mill), Norway (1.5 mill), Sweden (1.03 mill). Other funders include EU (2.7 mill), France, Finland and Ireland. 🤔
Read 16 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
It is @martinplaut time! The #InformationLaundering-in-chief!

1/ Everyone knows about @martinplaut|s decades long love affair with #TPLF. However, you'd still be surprised by how crucial a node he is in the pro-#TPLF #InformationLaudering network.
2/ If @martinplaut is an artist of #InformationLaundering EritreaHub is his canvas. Since Nov 4, MP has published a whopping 257 articles on the website, in which he launders pro-#TPLF info he gathers from a diverse group of sources ranging from TMH & @addisstandard to @nytimes.
...These articles range from the dangerous to the ridiculous to the outright laughable. For eg. in one he claims that the 'Axum Massacre' was conducted by Amhara soldiers who have shouted "the ark belongs in Addis Ababa" who then proceeded to 'kill 750 civilians.'
Read 10 tweets

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