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Oct 5th 2021

1/ @wdavison10’s favorite trope is his claim that he is an ‘Independent Analyst’ of all things #Ethiopian. So much so that he DM’d me following my previous thread👇 on him, saying that it was full of errors & inaccuracies.
I took his outrage seriously and asked @Kings_of_Nile to undertake a network analysis of Mr. @wdavison10's twitter outputs and interactions. If truly independent his network would have reasonably proportional representation from both camps. This is what we have uncovered!
2/ @wdavison’s twitter community is a virtual who is who of #InformationLaundering & #DisinformationRecycling. He virtually occupies the same space as @ZekuZelalem and their next door neighbors are @RAbdiAnalyst & @reda_getachew. Image
Read 8 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
Thank you @RassBariaw for your amplification of this discussion. IMO this is a particularly insidious piece of disinformation. And I note it is written by an anonymous author. Who claims to require protection.
@RassBariaw The decision to obscure the author I surmise, is made with an intention to elevate the sense of fear among its target audience - educated Ethiopians incl. diaspora members who are already predisposed towards TPLF narratives which consistently blame all Ethiopia's woes on Abiy.
The publisher of the piece is effectively the well known TPLF apologist, South African Alex de Waal, of the anachronistically named "World Peace Foundation". Though it is odd that his association is not on the "About Us" page of the website.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 20th 2021
Thread on @CNN


@mekdes_asefa has done a great job of exposing CNN's bias against #Ethiopia & a possible direct line of communication with Getachew Reda himself. This thread will highlight this & other aspects of CNN's #InformationLaundering activities.
1/ For this thread I focused on 45 articles produced by CNN since November 4. @nimaelbagir was involved in 20 of these articles followed closely by @bethlehemfel. Unsurprisingly, all the @CNN articles I looked into were highly negative in their coverage of GOE.
Only one articles coveres the alleged misdeeds of #TPLF. The article by @bethlehemfel, @eoin_mc_sweeney, covered the #MaikadraMassacre as reported by @amnesty but conveniently left out parts of the report identifying the victims & perpetrators.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 16th 2021

@wdavison10 of @CrisisGroup:
'the Mechanical Turk' of #InformationLaudering

1/ Davison is an employee of the @CrisisGroup, a New York based organization that claims to work to "....prevent wars....& a more peaceful world."
@CrisisGroup claims to be an independent organization but a cursory examination of their finances tells a different story. A very different story!!
Their biggest nongovernmental donor is Soros' Open Society Foundation (nothing to look here)
49% of their funding (19 mill USD) actually came from government grants. And who are these gracious countries? The Netherlands (5.9 mill), Canada (3.5 mill), Norway (1.5 mill), Sweden (1.03 mill). Other funders include EU (2.7 mill), France, Finland and Ireland. 🤔
Read 16 tweets
Sep 8th 2021

1/ There is nothing to fact check or debunk in this CNN article since this is clearly a hit job. I was surprised neither by the sources (the usual #InformationLaundering clique) she used nor her conclusion. Image
2/ I was not even surprised by the her scanty coverage , rather non-coverage, of the PMs rebuttal to the story through @BilleneSeyoum (three lines!! of which only two words were direct quotes from @BilleneSeyoum to be exact). Image
3/ Rather, I was surprised by the vitriol of the piece! By the thinly veiled disdain!
Which begs the question, why are so many in the Biden admin and their media acolytes so irked by PM Abiy and by extension today’s #Ethiopia?
Read 7 tweets
Sep 6th 2021

1/@telegraph is back with one of the most egregious hatchet jobs journalism has witnessed in recent time, courtesy of @berhe_lucy.…
2/ In the article @berhe_lucy tries to overwhelm the senses with gory but ultimately unsubstantiated details of limbs getting chopped off & eyes gouged, so that the reader's critical mind is temporarily offline & receptive of claims that can't pass even a cursory critical glance.
3/ I ask the esteemed readers of the Telegraph to bring their critical mind back online. After a few paragraphs filled with outrageous claims of 'atrocities' & 'concentration camps', @Telegraph itself admits that they "could not confirm these accounts" independently!....
Read 13 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
Thread on Alex de Waal: Reinventing the Truth one article at a time!

1/ If @martinplaut is the #InformationLaundering-in-chief, then Alex de Waal of World Peace Foundation is the Napoleon of #InformationLaundering.
2/Alex de Waal traces back his ties to the #TPLF to 1988, when he 'accidentally' met with Meles & co in the back of a truck smuggling him into #Ethiopia from Sudan.
The relationship between #TPLF & de Waal is a match forged in disinformation hell. ..
..He has been advocating for#TPLF for four decades & also since he rechristened himself as Executive Director of @WorldPeaceFdtn in 2011. Alex de Waal is the most loyal enemy #Ethiopia ever had!!
Read 11 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
It is @martinplaut time! The #InformationLaundering-in-chief!

1/ Everyone knows about @martinplaut|s decades long love affair with #TPLF. However, you'd still be surprised by how crucial a node he is in the pro-#TPLF #InformationLaudering network.
2/ If @martinplaut is an artist of #InformationLaundering EritreaHub is his canvas. Since Nov 4, MP has published a whopping 257 articles on the website, in which he launders pro-#TPLF info he gathers from a diverse group of sources ranging from TMH & @addisstandard to @nytimes.
...These articles range from the dangerous to the ridiculous to the outright laughable. For eg. in one he claims that the 'Axum Massacre' was conducted by Amhara soldiers who have shouted "the ark belongs in Addis Ababa" who then proceeded to 'kill 750 civilians.'
Read 10 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
A new thread!

The EU funded @SahanResearch and its role in #InformationLaundering spearheaded by @RAbdiAnalyst and Matt Bryden (@Dibjir)

1/ SAHAN, claiming to be a think tank focusing on the HOA has been a linchpin in the MSMs ongoing info-war against #Ethiopia
2/ since the start of the war on Nov 4, @RAbdiAnalyst has been cited as a HOA 'expert' in at least 24 publications. He was quoted extensively in 7 articles published by @GaroweOnline. I strongly suspect all the pieces were actually written by @RAbdiAnalyst himself!
3/ @rabdianalyst was also cited as HOA 'expert' in 3 articles authored by @ZekuZelalem (2 for @AlJazeera & 1 for @VICE) 🤔
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Aug 23rd 2021
#InformationLaundering thread focusing on Cara Anna of @AP.
1/If there is a prize for #InformationLaundering, it would definitely go to Cara Anna of @AP. Miss Anna seems determined that the Tigray conflict is her ticket to a Pulitzer.
2/ Since the beginning of the conflict on November 4, @AP has produced 86 articles on #Ethiopia. Of these 86 articles, Cara Ana is responsible for a whopping 60% (51 articles). I randomly selected and analyzed 26 of her articles.
3/ All of her articles (100%!!!), portray the GoE negatively and 13 were sympathetic towards #TPLF. The remaining 10 articles conveniently leave out #TPLF out of the picture giving an appearance of the #Ethiopian government waging a war against the Tigrayan people.
Read 21 tweets

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