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Feb 10th 2022
Thread 🧵

In honour of #SexualAbuseandSexualViolenceAwarenessWeek I've made a series of infographics to share some important info as succinctly as possible.

I'm a big fan of ppl having the right information in order to grow & do better but more importantly -knowledge is power.
Currently we have a colossal gap when it comes to knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and it has resulted in the development of resources that could do more harm than good.

Read 10 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
1/ Delighted to see that firm actions planned following launch of national survey results… well done to all involved @PMacneela @LouiseCrowley2 @Lornafitz3 @NWCI
2/ Very happy @DCU @DaireKeogh (our new President) has already taken steps to address #Sexualharassment #Sexualviolence on campus @DCUSU @DCU_EDI @annelooney @SanHealy @ItStopsNow_EU
3/I want to share the story of one lecturer’s experiences in her involvement with getting #Consent on the agenda at 3rd level- one of the backstories behind this progressive movement
Read 45 tweets
Mar 26th 2020
While our country grapples with the concept of lockdown we at Migdal Emunah are in the process of transferring our individual therapy 1/14
and support groups to online platforms and phone sessions. We will continue to provide quality support services from our trained 2/14
ISVAs and therapists to those that need, so please do reach out, we are still here for you. A plea from us to our fellow community 3/14
Read 14 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK @BrightonSurvivorsNET “In the light of a highly disturbing increase of #transphobia locally & nationally…” IF everything anybody says or does is #transphobia, of course you can say it is rising. Any reputable statistics?
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK “…so the date @Womans_Place_UK event feels like a concerted effort to make #trans ppl, & particularly #transwomen, feel #intimidated and #invalidated” Is it the position of SN that the sensitivities of #transwomen mean that #democracy should be suspended any time they say so?
@SurvivorsnetBtn @RASASC_London @survivorstrust @Danvers07943910 @ObjectUK @Womans_Place_UK #Transwomen do face special challenges but they remain #bio #logical #males but it is fine for them #Gender express as ‘women’ but with the best will in the world, they remain #bio #logically #male @WomenEqualities @Commonswomequ @PennyMordaunt @MariaMillerUK @LesleySemmens
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