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Sep 24th 2019
#GameofThrones won 12 #Emmys last night. This thread has a couple of our favourite #GoT posts!

#nspoli #NovaScotia #NS #geology #minerals #mining #Emmys2019 #EmmyAwards #EmmyAwards2019 Image
#MagheramorneQuarry, #NorthernIreland, is the set for #CastleBlack and #TheWall in #GameofThrones The #quarry wall is used as a backdrop and effects make it look huge.
The site's limestone was used to make cement. #NS has a limestone quarry and cement plant in Brookfield.
#nspoli ImageImage
#GameofThrones calls it dragonglass but it's really obsidian. It often forms when lava instantly cools from coming into contact with water. It's been used for thousands of years in jewelry, weapons and tools. It's still used in knives because it's much sharper than steel.
#nspoli ImageImage
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