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Sep 4th 2022
Anyone else celebrate #NationalCinemaDay by taking the family to see #jaws3D? Movie going is something I rarely got to do as a kid. I grew up poor so I saw ET and then right before I went to MEPS my mom took me to see Hunt for Red October. It is nice having the resources to treat
my own family to the theater experience. My problems are all first world now. Such is life for most people in America. Oh, we argue about various issues but end of the day very few of us go to bed hungry, or scared of random missile strikes and most of us can be 99.99% certain
that our loved ones will make it home each day. Speaking of #jaws you have to go back to WWII and stories like that relayed by Quint about the sinking of the #USSIndianapolis to find an America where, "will they make it home" is a community wide fear. If only that were true for
Read 16 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
Amity, as you know, means friendship...Join us as we chart those fateful events on Amity Island as they unfolded over the next few days as #breakingnews items. #Jaws Image
BREAKING: Reports coming in that a #swimmer has gone #missing after a late night swim. More on this #story as it develops.

#Jaws #breakingnews Image
And we've this just in from Amity Island News, an exclusive update on the missing swimmer situation from the chief of police, Martin Brody #breakingnews #Jaws
Read 35 tweets

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