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Jun 28th 2022
Amity, as you know, means friendship...Join us as we chart those fateful events on Amity Island as they unfolded over the next few days as #breakingnews items. #Jaws Image
BREAKING: Reports coming in that a #swimmer has gone #missing after a late night swim. More on this #story as it develops.

#Jaws #breakingnews Image
And we've this just in from Amity Island News, an exclusive update on the missing swimmer situation from the chief of police, Martin Brody #breakingnews #Jaws
Read 35 tweets
May 23rd 2022
🧵THREAD on #Hungary, ever-expanding

Impressions by a Hungarian artist living in 🇭🇺, so that you can have a glimpse of how our life is like: #photos, #videos, #music, #food, #events, #culture, #traditions, #architecture, #sports, #people, #tourism, etc.

No politics.

Enjoy! Budapest, 2022.04.26.  Koss...
A May Monday in #Hungary, 2022.05.23:
1: #Dunakanyar #DanubeBend,
2-3: #Budapest, Szt. István (St. Stephen's) Park,
4: Deák Ferenc utca (also called Fashion Street)

#Magyarország #travel ImageImageImageImage
A signature #Hungarian food to try when visiting #Hungary:
lángos (laan-gosh)

Deep-fried bread dough, often eaten with any combination of garlic, sourcream & cheese

(Not for the #health conscious, but I'd also have it occasionally)

#travel #gastronomy
Read 43 tweets

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