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Sep 14th 2022
(1/4) Being committed to their style of spreading continuous explicit fake reports, the #Azerbaijan'i MoD released a statement falsely accusing the Armenian detachments in shelling Azerbaijani positions overnight Sept 13-14.
(2/4) This is yet another #disinformation, which, as we are already convinced, is serving as a fake information background for their military aggression against sovereign territory of #Armenia.
(3/4) During the night the Azerbaijani #AF bombed both military and #civilian infrastructures with loitering munitions, and that intense artillery attacks began in the morning targeting military positions and border towns in the direction of #Jermuk and #VerinShorzha.
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Sep 14th 2022
(1/4)Despite no significant incidents taking place in the remaining directions of the #Azerbaijan'i aggression unleashed previous day, starting 8am, the enemy re-launched its attack by using artillery, mortar& large-caliber firearms in the directions of #Jermuk,#Verin Shorzha.
(2/4) The Armed Forces of Armenia are taking adequate countermeasures and continue entirely fulfilling their combat tasks.
(3/4) Despite a clear reaction from the international community over the situation, in fact Azerbaijan’s military-political leadership continues its acts of aggression against the sovereign territory of #Armenia, targeting both military and civilian infrastructure.
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Sep 12th 2022
🚨 Attenzione.
Sarebbero in corso scontri al confine tra #Azerbaijan e #Armenia.
Conferme. Ministero Difesa #Armenia:"Il 13 settembre, alle 00:05, unità delle Forze Armate azere hanno iniziato a bombardare intensamente le posizioni armene con artiglieria e armi di grosso calibro in direzione di #Goris, #Sotk e #Jermuk. Il nemico utilizza anche droni".
#Azerbaijan:"Le forze armate 🇦🇲 hanno commesso provocazioni su larga scala verso Dashkasan, Kalbajar e Lachin. Le nostre forze stanno rispondendo. La leadership militare e politica dell'#Armenia si assume tutte le responsabilità per le provocazioni, gli scontri e le perdite".
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