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Jul 21st 2019
💰George Nader💰

George Nader, the disgraced & recently indicted child sex trafficker & child porn aficionado is in the thick of Team Trump global shenanigans from the notorious Seychelles meet to Qatar Blockade to Psy Group & more.

Trump’s lack of prep’n for victory & disorganized transition created a vacuum that, as RU/ME sought out access & influence, was quickly filled by a number of people eager to portray themselves as access brokers or to generate personal biz opportunities.…
But prior to the 2016elex in addition to RU’s efforts to influence the American electorate in favor of Trump, ME foreign actors also assisted w/ the SocMed influence ops to help Trump & harm Cruz/HRC.

Nader among others were key to these influence ops to swing the elex to Trump
Read 35 tweets
Jul 21st 2019
💰Nader - Kirill Dmitriev

11/9/16, at 9:34 am, Kirill Dmitriev, the head of Russia’s sovereign wealth fund and an informal envoy for President Vladimir V. Putin, sent a text message to George Nader a friend with ties to the Trump campaign. #RDIF #Dmitriev…
Erik Prince’s RU contact Kirill Dmitriev:

“I think that we can be helpful in guiding this relationship understanding each of the sides well :). My boss (Putin) sends his warmest greetings and I will see him again early next week.”…
Mr. Dmitriev wanted to connect quickly with someone in Trump’s inner circle, By the end of the month, he was in touch with Rick Gerson, a friend of Kushner’s who manages a New York hedge fund.
Read 22 tweets

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