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Mar 31st 2023
#Ukraine: Today's new updates from #UkraineWar: 1. One of the biggest snowfalls in E Ukraine in last 10 years has slowed all fighting down. However, street fighting continues in #Bakhmut N & E of city centre. ❄️❄️THREAD❄️❄️ #tweet100 (Pic @MalcontentmentT)
#Ukraine: 2. RU continues to try to seize centre of #Bakhmut with 22 attacks in the last 24 hrs. UA forces destroyed an RU ammo depot at #Klyschiivka to the S. Wagner & RU regular forces continue to suffer heavy losses. #tweet100 (Map: @ChuckPfarrer)
#Ukraine: 3. Special forces and artillery working very effectively around #Bakhmut, sometimes behind enemy lines. #tweet100
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