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Sep 13th 2020
The Silence of the Lambs...
The Silence of the Lambs...
The Silence of the Lambs...
Read 32 tweets
Feb 28th 2019
"And yet we're at a point with the democrats that now Obama…wasn't left wing enough for these Democrats."

Watch #LauraIngraham đź”´ LIVE at @CPAC:
"Every time socialism really gets going, it ultimately is rejected by the people because–Guess what? Because it doesn’t work; never will, never has." - Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle at @CPAC! #CPAC2019
"We believe skin color should never, ever, ever, be a reason for discrimination or mistreatment, ever. We judge people for who they are, what they say, what they represent, and most importantly, what they do…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 30th 2018
I am doing this series of posts to explain how #Democrats have become #Communists and they are working from the playbook of Karl Marx.

Please read and retweet.

Why does George Soros want to collapse the border?
ANTIFA don't see themselves as losing America they see themselves as GAINING THE WORLD. Communism was a Global Revolution.
What do Islam and #Communism have in common? Why do the NOI hand out The Little Red Book of Mao Tze Tung? Why is NAZI-ism so similar to Communism? Why do NAZIS, Muslims, and Communists always persecute Jews?
Read 10 tweets

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