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Jul 22nd 2021

I have been rep'ng @CapitolPolice Ofc #HarryDunn for 5 months & during that time he appeared in many interviews to discuss his #Jan6th experience. Only once did he receive a hostile msg UNTIL @TuckerCarlson's monologue last night. Then things changed.
2/In wake of that rant on @Foxnews, numerous vile/racist msgs have been sent to Ofc Dunn. Many msgs specifically cite Carlson. I've experienced this before. During 1st Trump impeachment when I rep'd IC #whistleblower, death threats didn't arrive until right-wing pundits spoke out
3/There was clear correlation btwn statements from @TuckerCarlson, @IngrahamAngle, @seanhannity, @marklevinshow & #Limbaugh. After (& during when) they spoke, death threats followed. One person was prosecuted & sentenced to year+ in jail.…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
Why Is THE RIGHT So Obsessed With #Hydroxychloroquine?

For the vast majority of Trump supporters, of course, the drug represents the possibility that COVID-19 can be successfully treated and the deaths stopped.

The “DON’T BLAME #TRUMP” card?

#hydroxychloroquine would have saved us

The political benefit: portraying it as a forbidden cure allows pro-Trump media to BLAME ANYONE BUT TRUMP for the coronavirus disaster. In this telling, COVID-19 could have been cured months ago with hydroxychloroquine...

COVID-19 could have been cured months ago with #hydroxychloroquine, if only the Democrats, the media, and Dr. #Fauci would have listened to Trump!

#Limbaugh, for example, has portrayed the opposition to hydroxychloroquine as an anti-Trump plot.

“scare people into not using it”
Read 3 tweets

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