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Aug 27th 2022
Starting my annual live-tweeting of my reading of @condenast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue. Predictions: even MORE #CarefullyCalibratedDiversity; ageist fetishization of youth; huge amount of adspend wasted looking like everyone else; nothing's changing in fashion's old world
We LOVE @serenawilliams on the cover of @condenast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue with @OlympiaOhanian. We don't love that the photographer wasn't a Black woman. Anna Wintour is the queen-maker - uplift a Black female photographer to be the next @annieleibovitz & pay her the $$$
.@LancomeUSA forked out the $$$ to be the @condenast @voguemagazine inside cover foldout, running the same old Julia Roberts La Vie Est Belle ad they've run for years. What a waste of a huge-impact triple-spread that @LancomeFR could've done something really creative with
Read 83 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
Starting my annual ritual of live-tweeting my reading of the @CondeNast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue Predictions: even MORE Carefully Calibrated Diversity; ageist fetishization of youth; huge amount of adspend wasted looking like everyone else; the theme #newbeginnings won't be
Separate to the fact the cover is extraordinarily visually non-compelling, why models YET AGAIN, @condenast @voguemagazine? I want to see real world women on your cover, with real world bodies, real world age, real world achievements. Especially Black women #SeptemberIssue
The big @condenast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue inside cover gatefold spot is taken by @RalphLauren. No, Ralph, featuring Black models doesn't make you anti-racist. Changing the fact you don't have any Black talent on your leadership team does:
Read 83 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
OK folks, here we go. Today, off and on (because work and chores) I'll be conducting my annual ritual of live-tweeting my reading of the @condenast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue. And I'll be bringing to it the same lens I have in previous years + a 2020 one. Follow this thread:
Anyone following this thread might also like to watch my @BoF conversation with @imranamed from June featuring my four must-dos for the fashion industry to have a future post-pandemic: I'll be echoing those themes @condenast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue
The first thing to note about this year's @condenast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue, beyond its theme #VogueHope, is that for the first year in a VERY LONG TIME, it is not a gigantic doorstopper of an issue. Pandemic = less advertising and editorial.
Read 79 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
"I want to share 4 innovation imperatives for the fashion industry. Fashion must innovate a) through technology, b) through value creation, c) through leadership, and d) through communication." I talk to @imranamed @BoF about the #FutureOfFashion… #BoFLive
"I'm a hard-headed, pragmatic businesswoman. Everything I talk about in this conversation has only one objective: to enable the fashion industry to sell and to make more money, which it very badly needs to do." I talk to @imranamed @BoF… #FutureofFashion
"Every year I live-tweet my reading of @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue. I tagged every brand I referenced in my 2019 thread, incl Vogue, & not a single one responded. That says something about fashion's failure to use technology to interact with consumers.'…
Read 21 tweets
Aug 24th 2019
OK folks, hold onto your hats. Here we go. Starting my annual ritual of live-tweeting my reading of the @voguemagazine #septemberissue. Fyi: this will be happening on and off through today, because a) there's a LOT of the September issue, and b) I also have Saturday chores 🙂
@voguemagazine So...the cover. @taylorswift13. Very much admire her as a young woman conquering the sexist patriarchal music business, but - I would've loved to have seen someone not a 'standard celeb' on the cover, ideally someone older, and most ideally someone black. #liveolder #diversity
@voguemagazine The marquee inside front cover/7 pages/scent strip spot is taken by @YSL for Libre feat @DUALIPA. I can't even begin to think what that ad placement cost. A good less-obvious celeb choice, but again, as a dedicated daily wearer of YSL scent Nu, would like to see an older woman
Read 93 tweets

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