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Jul 14th 2021
#bcwildfire 24hr hotspots for July 13 6am - July 14 6am
Dark red = most recent
Lots of politicians calling for a SoE including @BlackwellMerlin @toddstonebc @PeterMilobar @shirleybond

Tweet from a #ashcroft structural fire fighter shows why. Up for 24hrs to defend homes. Lists plenty of local help - but no BCWS assets.

@BlackwellMerlin @toddstonebc @PeterMilobar @shirleybond Here's the #tremontcreek wildfire by Ashcroft as of 6am July 14th.

Forecast is for hot temps and a strong easterly (20 gusting 40) wind this afternoon
Read 15 tweets
Jul 5th 2021
Tragedy like the #LyttonFire is the very reason why we should talk about the impacts of #climatechange on these events and on #wildfires in Canada. A thread. 1/
Obviously, #wildfires are strongly linked to #weather/#climate parameters. The warmer, the windier, the drier is the weather, the more fire ignition probabilities and spread
#temperatures are increasing fast around the globe but way faster in Canada. 1.7C since 1948. Warming in especially important in the west, notably in spring and summer time
Read 30 tweets

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