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Mar 22nd 2023
Well this was a rather STUNNING relevation by Lev Parnas tonight ... that Hunter Biden was drugged in kazakhstan in 2019 by the Russian FSB with the cooperation of the CEO of Burisma and his harddrive was copied and possibly manipulated by Russian Intel to be used later as……
Lev Parnas goes on to implicate Rudy Giuliani in a rather eye popping way ... including prior in the Twitter space the allegation that Giuliani had access to and used a Russian asset for the past 15 yrs.
Lev Parnas earlier in the Twitter space discussed why he was prosecuted & said he funneled about $500,000 Russian money to campaigns of
Donald Trump
Kevin McCarthy
Ron DeSantis
Pete Sessions

While in jail he came to the realization that he was a pawn used by Giuliani and that……
Read 6 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
1/ Thread 🧵

I don't think I'll be able to include EVERYONE that has been the subject of MAGA inspired death threats, but I thought I'd at least give it a shot. The radicalization of our fellow Americans continues...

2/ It's important to understand how they use labels to target ppl. Ron DeSantis' crusade against "woke" is even dumber than it looks, but the buzzwords, "satanic", "antifa", "communist", "terrorist" etc. are how they incite violence. It's not just "other-ing".

Photo: @zdroberts
3/ #MikeFlynn is someone who knows a thing or two about religious radicalization. He spent the better part of his career fighting it before turning traitor against the constitution.…
Read 22 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
1. Before everyone starts celebrating too much, let me remind everyone about #GAMERGATE !

We, women, warned everyone about the dangerous growth of asshole far-right conservative men during Gamergate.

2. Women were harassed in games, on social media platforms, and in the comments under books written by women on @amazon . So much so, some women left social media or gave up writing careers for good. We even boycotted @Twitter . But did they do anything? NO!

We warned you all!
3. The country didn't want to listen to us... now you ALL have to deal with the outcome of a destroyed Republican party, and I'm here for it!!

And liberal men, we see you. WE KNOW which one of you said we were overreacting and we will treat you accordingly!

Read 4 tweets
Aug 17th 2019
🚀 Why are experts calling the Russian missile a 'doomsday weapon'⁉️Because the very act of launching it signifies ‘end of world scenarios.’ ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ worships Putin who plans on launching these weapons at America. cc #MAGAcult 👇…
☢️ Putin is hailing the scientists and servicemen involved in the latest nuclear incidents as heroes that “averted planetary catastrophe.”…
🌏 A Planetary Catastrophe. Interesting choice of words. Is it possible that the Losharik sub was equipped w a version of the Skyfall missile that just exploded off the Arctic coast, and as @realShawnEib suggested, perhaps both were salted w cobalt⁉️…
Read 3 tweets

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