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Jan 19th 2023
#AdaniEnterprises #FPO - ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW

1) July-22, VenturaSec Valued AEL at Rs2821/share on a 12 mth view.
2) Global Rates Triple.
3) Jan-23, Valuation Doubles to Rs5999/sh
#genius... #mamaearth IPO Needs this dude!
#VenturaSecurities Analyst should join @CathieDWood
Just like that the #AirportBusiness Valuation increases by a Whooping Rs116k Crores (94000 cr => 211,000 Cr)
Does this post by @RohanSoares explain the Massive Jump ?…
Just like that the Valuation of FMCG business (44% stake) Doubled from Rs23,700cr to Rs46,136cr ....
Essentially the Genius at #VenturaSec is valuing @AdaniWilmar at a whopping Rs122,700 cr (Current MCAP is Rs73500cr)
At Rs122,700cr, this is Indias 2nd Most Valuable FMCG Co
Read 7 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
It is said that the VALUE is in the eyes of the beholder so in the next 15 min, let me derive the VALUATION range for #Mamaearthipo with facts and figures.

A thread 🧵
#mamaearth became the 1st unicorn in 2022 with signs of profitability and is likely to be the 1st new age D2C Startup to have an IPO after audiotech brand #Boat withdrew its IPO plans earlier this year citing uncertain market; it is imp to understand the positioning of #Mamaearth
Although D2C Startups command a higher Valuation, approx 60% of the Sales of #mamaearth comes from third party e-commerce marketplace including Amazon, Flipkart and Nykaa
Honasa Balance Sheet shows huge Trade receivables of 141 Cr which shows that it is dependent on offline sales
Read 14 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
Imagine a company having a share price of $100, and its EPS is negative.

If you compute the PE ratio of this company, you will get a negative multiple, which is meaningless.
Now imagine the same company having a share price of $100, but because of efficient cost-saving measures in the year, the company made a marginal profit and reported an EPS of $0.01.
The PE of the company is now 10,000x.
And all of a sudden, the shares seem to have become very expensive.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
In every MLM scheme, you need a Product to be marketed where the early participants gains whereas the last entrants lose money and are struck

In case of #Mamaearthipo , the "shampoo" is not the Product but the "Founders" are the Product.

Lets understand the Game!

A thread(1/n)
1. The Startup has raised $126 million ( 1000 Cr ) in 8 rounds to reach at the revenue of 920 Cr.

It is like paying you Rs. 100 to buy their product of Rs. 92 Image
2. This game is for the Riches first wherein the early stage investors has to back the Startup to rope in more investors "but at higher Valuations" and it goes on while the Founders keep on paying ( burn cash) to make ppl buy their products to show growth
Read 9 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
Mama Earth is a popular baby care & skin care company with organic products.

It recently announced its plans for an IPO, seeking a valuation of $3 billin.

There's just one problem.

Let's find out in a 🧵:

#mamaearth #StockMarket #ipoalert #investing Image
The company is backed by celebrity investors like Shilpa Shetty and the big names in the VC world : Sequoia Capital and Fireside Ventures Fund.

It was also valued at $1.2 billion in 2021 making it a unicorn.

Clearly, the company must be making millions in profits?

Not really.
Honasa Consumer Ltd, that owns Mama Earth posted a net profit of just INR 19.8 crore in FY21.

It had incurred a loss of INR 1332.2 crore in FY20.

But what is more interesting is an exceptional clause that was inserted into the shareholders' agreement in FY21. Source: Inc42
Read 7 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
#mamaearth is ready to go public and give birth to some new investors.

Here's everything you need to know about the IPO: A Thread
Mamaearth's parent company, Honasa Consumer has filed draft papers with SEBI
The company is seeking INR 400 crores($54 Million) through the IPO. This included
-400 Crores Fresh issue
-80 Crores in pre-IPO fundraising
Read 10 tweets

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