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Feb 22nd 2021
Our latest paper from @LabMetabolism is out! 🧠🔥

"Changes in mitochondrial morphology modulate LPS-induced loss of #calcium homeostasis in BV-2 microglial cells"

#Metabolism #NeuroTwitter #ImmunoTwitter
This was @osvaldo_rpe's first publication and a pretty cool debut indeed!

Osvaldo is a brilliant scientist that I had the honor to co-advise. No doubt I learned from him way way more than I taught.

A well-deserved first-authorship for an undergraduate student! 👏
Go, go #mitochondria!

We already knew that microglial activation induces mitochondrial fragmentation and that mito morphology correlates with its Ca2+ uptake

But the influence of mito Ca2+ handling on #microglial activation was still unclear...
Read 11 tweets
Apr 7th 2019
No need for skepticism of #microbiome + virome involvement in #ME/CFS 👉 But we must factor in the activity of organisms (bacteria, viruses, phages, fungi etc) that often persist + interact outside the gut☝️And many such organisms are not “good” but are pathogens/#pathobionts
In fact, Komaroff asked if anyone has a model for #ME/CFS that links together many findings recently presented at #MECFSatNIH19 👉 Well, that’s what my recent paper on ME/CFS does!...w/ #microbiome + virome activity central to how separate findings…
That is b/c 👉 Humans are now understood to be #holobionts: our activity is controlled by the human genome, our microbial/#viral genomes and their respective proteins + metabolites working in tandem (together!):…
Read 10 tweets

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